BarnesMobile- That would make alot more sense on why it was dry then
Rivet-As far as the motor goes it is a evo3 motor which I belive have no emission on that side...however mostly everything thing up front is connected aside from a few random wire/plugs (I think AC stuff). However the "filter" AKA check valve that I temporarily removed did have a arrow on it to indicate pointed from the line to the tank (which then runs into the top of the tank).
The car didnt seem to idle any different with the check valve, filter, or nothing in line with it...not sure if that means anything or not.
Hopefully tomorrow (or saturday) I will put the check valve back in place and then swap out fuel pumps.....I must admit I am surprised with how loud that 190 is...I expected it to be a little quieter then the 255 but the vibrations/harmonics it produces are audible and tangible (at the tank). Anyhow I will report back with any update, thanks everyone for the input if you have any more ideas i'd love to hear them /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Rivet-As far as the motor goes it is a evo3 motor which I belive have no emission on that side...however mostly everything thing up front is connected aside from a few random wire/plugs (I think AC stuff). However the "filter" AKA check valve that I temporarily removed did have a arrow on it to indicate pointed from the line to the tank (which then runs into the top of the tank).
The car didnt seem to idle any different with the check valve, filter, or nothing in line with it...not sure if that means anything or not.
Hopefully tomorrow (or saturday) I will put the check valve back in place and then swap out fuel pumps.....I must admit I am surprised with how loud that 190 is...I expected it to be a little quieter then the 255 but the vibrations/harmonics it produces are audible and tangible (at the tank). Anyhow I will report back with any update, thanks everyone for the input if you have any more ideas i'd love to hear them /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif