DR1665- Thank you, it might be a bit length but it is also fun for me to go back to the first pages and look at where I started with everything. Lol yes my fuel tank is pretty nasty, it is sooo much better than it used to be though. I actually have drained it with the drain plug multiple times, and used a transfer pump multiple times. Actually one of the times I drained all of the bad gas out into a filtered bucket, poured the filter fuel back in, drained it, filled it with water and drained it twiced, let it dry but new fuel in and although it is much better its not perfect yet. From what I can feel the top and sides of the tank (on the inside) still have some flaky rust that occasionally gets knocked off. I have been very tempted to remove the tank and or put a fuel cell in it......actually I still am tempted to do that since I have a spare fuel cell, the only real thing holding me back is that it doesnt have a surge tank or sump, but I suppose I could build a surge tank.