Quoting G:
I don't think your problems are 100% because of the mani, I think the mani is exacerbating the hot engine problem.
That's exactly what I said in my previous post, and I completely agree.
^^^Quoting GSTwithPSI:
Here's the deal, I'm just not getting enough airflow through the engine bay. Period. In addition, my current setup (largely the FP manifold) is causing some heat soak issues, which amplifies the heat in the stagnant engine compartment.
Where I didn't agree is when you said:
Quoting G:
Cheeky, their are no heat issues with the fp manifold. No more than the stock manifold.
G, I do appreciate your feedback, but I don't think that's an accurate statement in the least. As I said, the FP manifold has a well documented history of causing issues. With the setup you posted up, I wouldn't expect you to experience any cooling issues. I feel like the setup you had, and the setup I have are like comparing apples to oranges. If I were to make all the changes you've suggested, I'm sure my cooling issues would all be corrected. I could ditch my A/C, reroute my piping and do a bunch of other stuff, but that just isn't going to happen right now due to budget, preference or other factors.
I think issue is simple, and I'm just not getting enough airflow through my heat soaked engine compartment. I don't think something to do with my engine build is causing the issue at this point. Although I can't rule it out, I believe the circumstances I explained in my previous post confirm the fact that excess heat and lack of airflow are the real issues here.
I'm thinking of a number things to do in the short term to fix some of my problems. I think I'll start by putting a blanket on the manifold, as well as a heat shield, as Mark suggested. I think I may swap my Eterna grille back in temporarily just to see what effect that has on airflow. When budget allows, I'll look into picking up a Evo 3 radiator as prove_it suggested. If not considering these things before hand makes me a noob, then so be it.