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The never ending build of 1062.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2007
plymouth, MN

I was able to drive the car up to the MitsuStyle dyno day for some motor break in miles. Its about a 16mile round trip and the car drove it with out a hitch. My friend Ryan was able to ride with me for the cars first drive this year.

A few things I learned on this drive, the cold can be an issue, as I do not have a blower motor or heater core.

The coolant temps do not stay above 180 while driving down the road at high way speed, and if I turn the radiator fan an the coolant temps drop quick.

The oil temps even with running about 30psi less oil pressure then last year are up around 30-40 deg F while driving around, it was about 200 deg driving home, which any good synthetic oil can handle with out an issue. So we can see a big change in adding this much hard block to the motor, the oil is doing a lot more cooling then last year. And if the oil temps get hotter then 220 while dynoing I will just add an oil cooler and that should take care of the oil temps.

I will have some dyno time setup for later this week, then there are a few days at Grove Creek before the end of the month, I want to get the 60' working before we head back to Rock Falls, which there is a day on June 4th at the Rock I would like to get to, but we will see.

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2011
Houston, Texas
Dam your car is amazing! This is a hell of a build, can't wait to see the dyno numbers. Will there be a video?


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2007
plymouth, MN
There are videos from last year, making 650awhp on E85 with 38psi, and the 10.06@148mph at the track, second run ever for the new setup.

click Dyno run

click Fastest pass at the track.

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2007
plymouth, MN
Tonight, was the big night on the dyno. And I wanted to engine dyno the thing but as it turns out the turbo setup would not fit without making a custom bell housing for the engine dyno. So good old AWD dynodynamincs is in order.

First off a big thanks to Shane and DB Performance for making this possible. The car did make Great power, then we found our wall, and it was 2 fold.

So I wanted to get the car back to the 650 or so it was last year so I could hammer out the 60'. Then if things were going well we could turn it up a little and see where the wall was, or the limiting factor.

So we tried a few runs at base WG pressure, or what we thought was going to be WG pressure. It ended up running 40psi with a line from the compressor housing to both WG's. I do not know why that is but the WG springs are 24psi springs, so last year it would run 26psi, so I figured it would be about 26-28psi. Not the case, here it is at 39psi and reving to almost 10k, it just keeps going and going.


So we proceeded to up the boost cut, based on the psi graph I figured it was going to run 35-38psi on WG springs. We checked with an air gun and the WG valves did move just fine. And in the end it was almost 40psi for spool up then settled at 38-39psi. This made 720 awhp, so upping the boost about 1psi from last year made 70 more ahwp.



So after all this we put in the boost controller and upped it to 45psi, the ignition cut out like a rev limiter and the car made 789 or something, then after some poking we made the 816.6 AWHP and 538 ft/lb at 45psi tappering down to 43psi at the 816hp mark and 42psi at red line. But we had to run more ignition timing to get a clean pull then we wanted to, so it lifted the head on the end of this run. But we turned it back down to 36psi and it made 689ahwp, so that will be my new base PSI, and up it a little from there to around the 720awhp as traction permits.



Then if I want more power I need a better ignition system, and a head with more deck thickness then the one I have now. The head I have on there now is decked a lot, the oil passage up into the head from the head stud hole is not very thick, and I might need to drill and weld in some supports in the deck surface of the head in between the head studs to get this thing to hold enough cylinder pressure to make the power its capable of.

I would need to up the base fuel pressure from 38psi to about 45-50psi, not a big deal with the fuel pump I have. Then up the boost to 50 some PSI and I think the car could make just over 900AWHp. But the setup has a long way to go before I could use that power, but on a dyno day it would be fun.

I will update with a Shootout mode graph at some point, this number was at 976 awhp, this is supposed to simulate crank shaft HP, or a lot closer to a Dynoguess for power.

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2011
Houston, Texas
Wow! Your car inspires me... (twiddling fingers like mr burns)

Where are the videos of the latest numbers?
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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Holy sh*t dude. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/applause.gif


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2007
plymouth, MN
I have video on my camera, I will take time this weekend and get them onto the computer and up loaded to the Youtube. It sounded much the same as last year, but making a lot more power.



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Marysville, WA

Quoting GalantVR41062:
upping the boost about 1psi from last year made 70 more ahwp.

Sounds like the new engine is a winner!


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2007
plymouth, MN
The custom CP Pistons and custom Carrillo rods are working great. We did the hard block and engine machine work up at Hitech Motorsport, this is where I work and the parts and labor involved show. The setup made 70 more AWHP on the same dyno with the same tuner as last year. The major changes were: Custom CP pistons (9:1 compression vs 9.25:1) and custom Carrillo rods which were a little heavier then the Crower rods last year, E98 race fuel was used vs the E85 from a local gas station last year, Aeromotive Eliminator fuel pump (up graded from an A1000 fuel pump and dropping fuel pressure last year, base fuel pressure this year was 40psi). The fuel injectors were upgraded from FAST 160lb injectors at 85% duty cycle to the FIC blue max high Z 2150's injectors at 90% duty cycle. The valve job on the intake side was changed from a choppy 3 angle to a free flowing 5 angle valve job, and I also went threw and took out all the sharp edges of the combustion chamber and smoothed the intake to exhaust valve face angle. And 1 more detail is taller deck surface of the block and the bigger valve reliefs on the exhaust side allowed the cams to be degreed in closer to what I wanted to run last year, but the exhaust valves would hit the pistons last year.

We did a fuel leak test to well over a 100psi fuel pressure at 12v w/o the engine running, so the system is more then able to run 100+ pounds of fuel pressure, which means if run a base fuel pressure or 50PSI and 50+ PSI of boost I have enough fuel to support the almost 1000AWHP the setup is more then capable of.

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2007
plymouth, MN
I took the car out for a drive tonight. Its making the 39psi just fine, intake air temps were around 75-80deg, and it only took just under 6 seconds to go from 6600rpm in 3rd to 9000rpm in 4th.



Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
9k in 4th on the street? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2007
plymouth, MN



I just added 2 -8 lines from the valve cover to my catch can thing. Then I added a 1.5" inlet breather filter with chrome cover.

This should help with some of the crank pressure I was seeing on the dyno and my test drive.

I still plan to head to Grove Creek this saturday for 60' testing if its not raining, we will see.



Well-known member
Aug 20, 2007
plymouth, MN

I showed up around 10:10am or something. I did get 1 run in before the car decided to break something. So it has gone 3 for 3, goes to the track and breaks something.

But I did run the 2nd best 60' with the car.

RT .641
60' 1.785
330 5.174
ET 9.017
MPH 59.14

I launched somewhere around 6k and hit 2nd gear and it went straight to revlimiter sping so I shut down and coasted.

I would guess it hit revlimiter spining in 1st about 3 times, when I get the laptop to work again I will down load the log.

So my next plan is to play with the 2 step settings and try to leave the line at 5500rpm or so with 10-13psi of boost.

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