Quoting turbowop:
Good news regarding the rest of the day. I think I scored really high in build quality. Last I heard, I got second. The judges (from Speedware Motorsports) said it was the dryest "DSM" underbody they had ever seen. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Thanks for the updates Mark...been following this and really stoked on how this thing panned out. Not only did a GVR4 get nominated, chosen, and finally competed, but it did well and made it back in one piece. So stoked!!!
Sounds like the car did great overall and really represented the GVR4 platform for what most of us appreciate it for. Old, understated, obscure car comes in and does well with a fairly simple albeit well concocted and proven formula and consequently makes a great showing. I know you did this so you could enjoy the car for what you built it for but thanks for your efforts. Glad you had a good time. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/applause.gif
Also, i just saw the features/vids on the civic and s13. Potentially good engine setup for that chassis (wish it had better suspension), and i'm glad to see the civic in there for good measure. That civic seemed pretty nice, although the 6262 is a little nutty for the intended use IMO, boost by gear or not. Maybe if you just keep it above 5 or 6k rpm all the time it's not so bad, lol. IM guys did a pretty good job picking the cars. Pretty good examples of each for the most part, keeping in mind the "street car" aspect.