Finally home! Car is back in the garage and resting after a three day flogging. That's probably the most fun I've ever had with 1051. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Although I didn't place well in autocross, it was still a blast. The course was HUGE. Second gear the whole time with a lot of it near 8k+ rpm. I just used my 25psi non-methanol tune for it. I could probably use a bigger swaybar (I knew this already), but the Muellerized JIC's handled great, and the car turned a lot better than I expected with a welded center diff. I think what helped is that the course was so large and not super technical with crazy tight turns. Today's event was all about drivers and not cars. No matter what any of us drove, those with cone dodging experience would have won this event anyway.
I saw some pics that they took of the car going around the course, and they look awesome. I'm sure it will take the guys a bit of time to go through all the media and put it together before it gets posted everywhere, but overall results will get posted soon. Pics and video will follow, which should be epic. I borrowed a buddy's gopro and set it up on my harness bar for drag, dyno, and autocross, so hopefully that footage turned out good as well.
Regardless of where I place, the car was a standout. No matter where we were, I had lots of people asking about it and/or giving recognition for clean old Mitsubishis. I think it was viewed as a bit of an underdog, and surprised a lot of people. Especially for being the oldest car in the event (since the 3rd gen Supra blew its turbo just days before the event and couldn't make it). I even had people asking where to pick one up at and I directed them here of course. All in all, I'm definitely glad I entered and went through with this. The car performed great and is still sitting on tires ready to be fired up for a drive to the grocery store. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif