I have some of this stuff in partial duplication from a VR4 press release binder with some extras I just received from "SIMPLE", a member here. I should really either get this stuff to Hertz or get a scanner and post it up. The duplication I speak of is related to some of the pictures, whether cutaway or whole shots of pieces on the motor. Even got some glossy shots of a factory original VR4, but I could not make out any badging, as sadly they weren't badged on the exterior. It did have the California license plate on it however, and some business cards in the inside. I've never seen a slideshow for the GVR4 or 3000GT but this set included that as well, including a point by point play of each slide. That Christmas computer setup needs to be here like ASAP. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hsugh.gif