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replacement for stock BOV?

I bought a Forge Motorsports BOV. They come in vent and recirc, and also come with 4 different strength springs. I did end up using a very small amount of rtv to quell a fitment leak. Other than that, it's worked great. Available with a stock GVR4 flange.
Holds 30+ psi on my car.
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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2005
Christiansburg, VA
Has that Forge BOV been proven? The only vendor that I could find that lists a price for it is GRE Performance, for $169. It looks like someone took a 1g bov, made it pretty, and fixed whatever is wrong with it to make it hold more boost. If it bolts up to a 1g flange well enough and holds more than a crushed stocker, I may consider it instead of going back to my SSQV when the time comes.

I run the Forge valve on 1706.
Its ok in holding topend boost but is a little effffy when crusing around town.
For the fit and finish its really beautiful.
Either way you can't go wrong.
Terry, i'm selling mine if you need it.
PM me for more info

Terry Posten

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
Davenport, Iowa USA
Update on this looonnngggg running post.

I bought Sam's Forge unit. Very nice piece of chrome. I installed it and found the piping flange leaking. Took it apart, cleaned it up, made a new gasket and used different RTV sealant and now the flange is better but the seam where the round body of the valve meets the BOV flange is now leaking a very little.

I test ran it and she runs good and the valve sounds great. I am done screwing with that for a little while. Maybe in a month or 2 I will feel like doing it all over again.

Maybe Forge sells a rebuild kit and I can get that leak fixed.


I've heard from many people that if the BOV is vented to atmo, there will be idling as well as AFR problem.

They solve the problem by using HKS EIDS but some claimed that using SAFC or SAFC2 can help with this issue too.

Is this true?


Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
KC, Missouri
Yes. The car isn't meant to just release pre-metered air. Someone chime in, but I believe the stock BOV is also open at idle, so in addition to running rich when you let off the throttle, you will run lean at most other times. I don't think the SAFCs would help you much in this area, but the HKS is made to fix it.

In other words, I better off looking for HKS EIDS instead of installing SAFC n muck around with its settings?

But, my doing so, will EIDS solve bad idling / AFR if upgraded to atmo-vented BOVs later?
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Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
KC, Missouri
I wouldn't expect an SAFC will really correct your venting problems at all. The EIDS is more of a coverup for a problem, not a fix. You are best off either staying with a recirc pumbing arrangement (like stock) or switch to another method of metering the air that is after the BOV, such as a gm maf and maf-t.
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Terry Posten

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
Davenport, Iowa USA
I am recircing the BOV. Forge just told me that the BOV is a lifetime part and will fix the leak at the base for free.

Now, something that peeked my interest.

Someone said that the BOV is open at idle? is that correct? My car is running super rich when I let off the throttle and stalls 80% of the time due to being really rich (WB O2 is pegged at 10.0).

How do I keep the BOV closed all the time and it open only when it needs to vent pressure to keep from "dead heading" the compressor?

I had the same leak problem at the base, but just ran a small bead of RTV
around the seam of the "tube" that inserts into the flange.

As far as I can tell, my bov isn't open at idle. I run a VPC, so I'm not

I "modded" my BOV ages ago. I made up a new gasket which covered the small hole in the base (reference port?), and crushed it as well. It still leaked over at about 0.9-1.0 bar, at about 1700HZ. Still, I did the 11s with it fitted. The next day, I fitted a Turbosmart plumbback, and my Hz count went from 1850Hz @ 1.2 Bar to 2100Hz @ 1.2 Bar! And also, whereas the MBC needed 10 "clicks" to go from 1 bar to 1.2 bar, it now only needed 5 "clicks".


I've heard from many people that if the BOV is vented to atmo, there will be idling as well as AFR problem.

I run the HKS SSQ. I also have a SAFC. My car idles like a dream.


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2003
Someone chime in, but I believe the stock BOV is also open at idle

Yes that is correct.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2004
Norwell, MA
It can be reoriented. Just take the top off, it is under spring pressure, and clock it the way you want it. The flange on the bottom can be removed and reoriented too.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2004
West Simsbury, CT
I am recircing the BOV.

My car is running super rich when I let off the throttle and stalls 80% of the time due to being really rich (WB O2 is pegged at 10.0).

Did you ever solve this problem Terry? I plan to get the Forge BPV in the next month. I think Powerplay had the same leak issue recently. My crushed stocker starts to open at 17psi, confirmed via Mityvac. I hope I'm not going to run into similar issues with A/F ratios as you, since I currently go max lean when I let off the throttle (since the injectors essentially stop shooting fuel off-throttle).
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