I used Sam Sayes car years ago to make the jig. I couldn't use mine due to it having a roll cage that got in the way for test fittings. I used the jig to make another jig years ago so I can't replicated them until I get one of the bars I made back. This sounds like this is going to happen.
I also got a lot of crap about the saftey of harness bars years ago. The same could be said about roll cages and no helment. Roll cages are better and safer while wearing a helmet (DUH) but people are big boys and girls and can make the choice on their own what they want to do. Use either safety device at your own risk.
That being said once we have the 'style' harness bar in hand I will start the production back into swing. Pricing will follow once the materials and labor are reevaluated. I doubt I will have them painted from now on. Each person can chose the finish they want once they get it home.