Staff member
So here it is. Months of planning, measuring, tweaking cardboard mock-ups and parts gathering. The ultimate goal was to keep a stock appearance (minus the ricer blue wire loom) and to maximize the limited trunk space by utilizing that void. Solution? Build a bridge. It may not look it in the pics, but the battery mount is very, very stout... just not NHRA legal.
Mounting platform tucked back to the fender wall. Lots of screws, bolts and wood.
underhood wiring and some fresh paint. Ignore the MAFT, I decided to wait for my upgrade chip and may wire it in-cabin.
Put together in a semi-stock configuration. (Note the rewire on the coolant temp sensor plug!)
Circuit breaker mounted and ground attached, fuel pump wire attached, battery in box and strapped in.
All tucked in, carpet and panel are held in place with velcro.