Here is where I see the most mistakes. The back side (idle side) needs to be taut. Not tight, taut. No slack. I have seen alot of people think they have the marks lined up but they don't. I don't think you're one of those. Yours looks right. Anyway what I'm getting at is once the belt is on turn the crank just a few degrees before you tension it. Takes all the slack out of the back side. Then you tension, then you rotate, then you check protrusion. Done correctly it's cake. The first time I did one I had no vfaq (didn't exist yet). All I had was the book. Took me about 3 tries before I got it. Either the teeth would be off, or the tension wouldn't be right after I thought it was. Like I said, in the end all that matters is the protrustion....and the marks of course but I think we all understand that one.