sorry, no updates. havent been around here... and well i have been working on my Nova. but here is some updates from like a couple weeks ago...
YES, I DO STILL OWN THIS.... it just sits there collecting pine needles...
week, or 2 ago i moved the galant to in front of the garage to look at it. once i could see it it was sorry looking. damn near growing moss. LOTS of pollen on it. sh*t is like concrete. i had been trying to drive it at least once a weekend. but its back to or still leaking oil, had been noticing some coolant missing, but it always seemed to disapear some. anyway gave her a good simple green scrub down on the outside and quick wash, missed a spot. close enough for someone that rarely washes his cars.
i jack it up. hose her down with brake clean. notice that the driveway spot seems to have moved? clean/dry off. fire her off on the jack. :
and look for leaks. just a little seep at the oil drain, figured it was worse? start looking at timing cover side. f*** its dripping. oil is fresh. but notice quickly that its not oil. about the time i realize its coolant, its damn near pissing a steady drip. then i look over at oil filter housing, oh its leaking oil from there... sweet.
Galant forum said buy the AISIN its the "oem brand"... cool. same one thats on the car now. and its leaking.
Galant forum said buy a Gates belt. so i did... helped that they had part numbers posted, and i just bought the cheapest ones i could find. like 25 for belt, 36 for pump?
new water pipe oring, new gasket on cleaned up surface + hondabond (nice seal, more that it holds the gasket).
btw. little helpful tip from buddy Bryan, jack the motor up a little, and you slide the pump out through the motor mount pocket. win.
replaced bolt that was just missing out of the oil filter housing, and torqued the sh*t out of all the bolts i could see on the front of the motor.
maybe tomorrow...or next week... ill throw the timing belt on, probably have bryan check it, then drive it a couple days to see it still leaks oil, but not coolant. then it sits again... fun times.
i got this all back together, once the ignition module was plugged back in, and the jump box (aka jumpers on nova battery lol) it fired right off. runs mint. should, it ran before lol. once the coolant got bled the idle settled out. took it for a drive, everything seems great. battery once again stone dead this morning, bonehead move on my part with map light :
stopped for gas and started fine but it did seem to mark its territory LOL. so yeah.
so sitrep:
no more coolant leak.
fresh timing belt.
most the oil leak lol (still seems to be oil drain area)
with fan 100% on, and 65* outside putting around it wants to be 200-205*. so f***.
one of my pulls after getting gas i thought i felt the clutch slip, did another after and didnt notice it.
still needs tune...bad. its super rich 75-100% throttle.
expensive high cfm fan...not cheap china fan that
claims cfm.
brake lines
so look for an update in 3-6months when it really needs a clutch, and motivation....
ok so tomorrow it is suppose to hit 80*, thats gonna suck, means i will drive the truck. not because i didnt finish, but it has AC.
anyway. so cooling... been driving this around and noticed that if i dont have the fan on it sometimes maintains its temp while moving. if its below like 65 outside.
idea is and was before i ever started it with this setup, that the fan/shroud i have sucks and is blocking airflow. then once the fan is on (at low speeds, as i believe at speed with it on it is also blocking air flow) it really doesnt have the CFM to keep up.
so i bought:
yes. a Flex-a-Lite 365... a $225 fan to put on my $120 radiator?...
it fit my replacement china aluminum radiator i bought on ebay even though it says its for a Scirroco radiator that i have? no. not really. but even looking at it that really isnt a surprise. but i made it fit champ. zip ties and foam sh*t.
now its dark. mosquito, etc.
i did whip up the wire real quick. and poked it into the car to verify it fits. and well . even after my measurements and all.... well it fits better than i expected. hell, probably better than the other one did.
also threw some fire to it. damn thing sounds like a vacuum cleaner firing off. so yeah, moves some air.
also, after some searching i might be able to fire this thing off with the ECU. see how that goes. would be nice.
not sure how well that last one looks. but it took some finagling to get it that good. the intake coupler actually goes slightly into the fan motor recess. its close.
phone claims its 64* outside. with the motor at 200* it took 1min 24sec to drop it to 180*. say thats good?
and after driving around it seems to channel air just fine while moving at speed. doesnt seem to cool down as fast as i would like, but doesnt heat up so ehh, ok.
wow, thats like 4 updates.... now someone buy my car so i can buy an EVOX? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif