okay, its been a while... update but a shitty one. I got the caliper in mail, thought id have problem unscrewing the brake line from the caliper. came out easy . went to screw in the new caliper and stripped the threads on the brake line screw in. so... as of right now im in need of a new brake line. wich isn't so bad because I never did do that test since my bleeder screw was seized. its just bad because its perfect weather outside and have been waiting on that part for a week. if anyone knows of where to get a good replacement line. id be grateful. im going to try to screw it in before I install it on the car to make sure my caliper didn't cause me to strip the threads.
another question, I went to get the brake line off, do I have unscrew it before taking the c clip out or take the c clip out then unscrew... I haven't done much brake work past replacing caliper rotors and brakes. so lines are new to me. I foresee me f***ing up the bracket, clip , or the next section of brake line(hard line) thanks yall... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif