I replaced the Shep Stage 4 gearset with an Ultimate ratio gearset from Jack's. I made sure and included the double synchro 1st-4th, and evo3 fifth gears. Synchros engage MUCH more smoothly, and there's no annoying noise from the trans now, like the Shep gearset had.
When i took it apart, i found that the REM ISF process had taken some material from pretty much everywhere on the input and intermediate shafts, so tolerances were a bit looser than "factory". I would NOT recommend anyone have this process performed.
I'm not really driving the car yet, as it's STILL not registered/plated. I'm in the process of negotiating a short-sale on a home, and it's outside the area which requires emissions be done. SO i'm going to wait until i get moved to register it.
I also removed the ABS last week. I would advise anyone else thinking of doing this to do it while the powertrain is NOT in the car, if at all possible. It's perfectly doable with everything in there, but it's not a lot of fun.
Also, since last post, i put in a Sparco Lap 5 steering wheel, and threw the old white Grant GT wheel in the trash.