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550's Teaser Pic

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Well-known member
May 24, 2005
Orlando, FL
Quoting mistaVR4:
Aaron Rodgers?

Discount double check?

OP why do you get so upset when people poked at your exhaust? It wasn't that bad... car looks good so why get so mad like you want every single person to like your car?


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2004
East Sussex, U.K.
^ Exactly! I'm in the somewhat lucky position (or is that 'unfortunate position') of having two VR4s. The grey one is OEM-ish and is my testimony to Mitsubishi's ability to build a high-performance saloon that doesn't draw too much attention to itself.

But the black car ...


... mixed bodykits, driving lights, 1980 louvres, crash bars, vortex generators, 18 inch wheels, carbon fibre non-OEM style hood, on board computer, flocked dash! Josh and Mark are going to have a f***ing field day, but so what! It's my mid-life crisis car! f***, if I ever get it finished, I'm going to go on a diet, get the best Batman outfit I can afford and drive into the middle of Mongkok, just to see the look on peoples faces.

Bottom line Mike ... lighten up! No-one hates YOU. Just the way you react. People made fun of your exhaust ... big deal. Getting ridiculed on here is an initiation ceremony. You haven't been on here long enough to know what happened when I rather stupidly posted some pictures of my new brake rotors have you? You want to know what ridicule is? Keep reading ...

It all started off fairly tame. Yep they really were well over 300mm in diameter!

Here's the proof!

And then I decided to do this ...

OH sh*t!

That's when it started.


So Mike, until you've been photoshopped with a head the size of a caricature, as a double of 50 cent, dressed as a fool getting interviewed on 60 minutes and best of all kitted out as one of the "Icy Hot Stuntaz", you really need to stop whinging and get a life! ... believe me!
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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2011
Houston, Texas
all that stuff is harmless man, it was this post that was the last straw. since i've been in nobody has ever said anything like this before. i swear man, how could someone say some sh*t like this? like seriously? its sounds like some lil skinny ass punk that has never done sh*t, never seen any combat, never fought for his country. just sounds like some lil punk kid in high school with glasses talkin sh*t behind a computer. but its not his fault, hes just ignorant. he has no idea who i am or what i have done. I will not be apart of a community where a guy says something like that to someone that is fighting for all what they have is possible. that guys needs to be punished for saying crap like that.

"Why is this guy not banned yet from this site?
With the amount of nice and intelligent people on here, I was always proud to be part of this group.
Ever since this retard (and I hate to use this word) arrived, I'm more and more feeling like this group is getting dumber by every one of his posts.

^^^People like this, saying sh*t like that is what pisses me off. Don't worry fuckface this "retard" will keep defending this country for pieces of sh*t like you to have your freedom.

Listen, I have the most respect you will ever meet for the people who is defending this country. I have reasons for it. However, you couldn't even defend your little box from a mouse so I don't think I owe you sh*t.
You spend 20 hours a day on the internet and wasting taxpayers money. The only reason you're in the military, because you probably failed at everywhere else. Hero's are hero's not because what they say but because what they do."
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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2001
Yakima, WA
Wow, I never bothered to click that thread.

Don't let the f***ing door hit you in the ass on your way out. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/uhh.gif

Quoting galant1517:

Read this

Woah. I saw the thread title and that it was getting activity but never checked it.

That is fucked up. If there is one thing I hate more than anything else it is the torture of helpless animals.

And let's get something straight, gsxtc, regarding you bringing your military service into this, you technically don't fight for your country and its private sector citizens. You fight for the government, the military industrial complex, and banks so they can steal resources from smaller weaker nations, and so they can topple their leaders so that the federal reserve bankers can stuff their own puppet leaders in there. Thanks to your superiors and their masters, the bankers, the US military is now involved in conflict with Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Uganda. And still with Iraq, even though obomba promised in 2007 that bringing home troops from Iraq would be one of the first things that he would do after he was elected, and that we could "take that to the bank". Oh and we are still involved with Pakistan and Afghanistan. Annnd, the liar in chief and his goon squad are planning to invade Syria and Iran. I don't support any of these conflicts so please don't come off like you are doing any great service for the citizens of this country while congressmen are sitting on their thrones promoting more war and penning legislation that strips my freedom and rights on a daily basis.

There are only five countries remaining that the federal reserve bankers do not occupy and those are, north Korea, Sudan, Iran, Libya, and Syria. That is the only reason the US military is over there. To topple leaders and implant new ones that will implement a fiat currency control by the Feds.

That mouse didn't need to be burned alive, you could have caught it and let it go a few hundred yards away. Or bought some expanding foam to fill the cracks of the box to keep the critter out. Or any one of numerous possible solutions other than torturing it.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2002
St. Louis
Quoting GSX_TC:
he has no idea who i am or what i have done. I will not be apart of a community where a guy says something like that to someone that is fighting for all what they have is possible. that guys needs to be punished for saying crap like that.

You're still here? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif

Look at the stats. What have you done that made a positive impact on at least one person on this board?
What have you done that pissed of a whole bunch of them?


Well-known member
May 28, 2003

If you're still here; how do you think your superior would feel if I contacted the base and let them know what exactly you do while 'defending our country' and let them know how you brag about the inhumane things you do on the internet, all while identifying yourself as a member of the military, a person who is supposed exude professionalism and maturity.

before all you take from this is 'nark nark nark' take into consideration;

you're protecting this country, but I'm paying you to f***ing do it, as are others here, so I expect to see a LOT more professionalism from you.


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2008
west virginia
I normally stand by silent on these raids, but alpha, that last point kinda got me too. it is kinda personal when you think that I paid you to burn a mouse alive.....

morals, ethics, yadda yadda yadda aside, If your getting paid, then do work.

patiently waiting on your FMIC so I dont rag on 550. exhaust is 'ehh' for me neither plus or minus.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
Never seen this thread before, I'm glad I finally got to see Cheeky dressed as 50 pence /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/applause.gif


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2008
Wow, just wow. I guess this was bound to happen. Just like in facebook, if you post up everything you do every day, your bound to catch some sh*t. Eventually everyone catches some sh*t, its just part of the game.


Well-known member
May 4, 2010
Denmark, Europe.
hmm, never seen this thread before. That mouse story is quite disturbing. Dont even recall how many psychostories that start with someone "just liking" to burn stuff or torturing animals.
The worst part is they cant even see its wrong.

Like to burn stuff or animals, Has a very bad temper, often threaten people with shooting them and what not. And still they give you a weapon? Jeez, your military seriously need to hire better psychiatrists.
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