Quoting GSX_TC:
why dont i just go up to your family and start pointing out everything thats wrong with them too.
some of these dudes on here make me feel like taking my Rifle and putting a bullet in their head and not even caring about going to prison because i had the satisfaction of watching them die after the way they make me feel.
Im here to make friends NOT enemies.
Quote 1: Do it, double dog dare you.
Quote 2: Do we need to have you evaluated, for your own personal safety?
Quote 3: You're not doing so well in that department.
You come off as a wannabe "God" to me, I don't hate you, nor do I care to hate anyone, but Jesus hell, you're probably the most conceded person on this Org. If you would tone it down with the "whoring media" and take some of the advice (more with a grain of salt then others) and just listen, you might make more friends.
You post in everyone's thread, EVEN if you're not answering a question, to (imo) build a post count. Hell I've been here for a few years, (almost 6) and your post count will soon succeed mine and many others by you blatantly posting "sweet nothings" inside someone's post.
My .02, and again its not to be rude. If I wanted to be rude, I would be you, and the way you talk to people on here.