Oh my. This car is stupid fast compared to what it was before. I spent nearly all weekend doing the tedious stuff (putting the interior back together, putting body parts back on, etc.) all in an effort to get the car out sunday night so i could attend one of the "unauthorized" car shows here in the Denver area. On the way down there i embarassed a Camaro that had a 2006 LS6 Corvette engine swapped in, which was fun, and my friend's fully built B16 Civic (which runs 17 lbs.) couldn't keep up with me, which is nice. I ran into George Billings at the show also, it's nice when you can finally put a face to the name. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted, knowing that it has finally gone out and ran and it seemed to love every minute of it.
Some other good things to mention: my Optima lived /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif, the WOT air/fuel ratio registers 11.0:1, and i have yet to get a check engine light.
Some points of concern: the transmission makes a speed dependant clunk clunk clunk while moving in reverse only, but it is perfectly fine while moving forward and while shifting between gears. And i need to figure out why my boost controller isn't working. I had it turned off, which should cause it to allow the wastegate spring to be the only device controlling boost. The wastegate spring is supposed to be .7 bar (10.15 psi), but the car pulls all the way to 25 lbs. no problem.