Quoting nrvous:
You guys are amazing. I spend my 3 days outside building barns and you have brought more information on aerodynamics to the table than I could have imagined. The question was raised on whether we "need" a wing. All I know that around 135-140 the rear gets loose on that car around Daytona, creating a pucker affect in the drivers seat and a lifting of the throttle. I buried the needle for the last laps, but it is was only because I found smooth enough line to believe I wasn't going to die.
We might not have the big tracks to contend with the "need" for a wing, but it is really hard not to try when wings are presented.
I need to import some of you guys to upstate NY, although that might be dangerous. I don't suppose anybody works for a company who makes pressure sensors so we can get logs of the downforce this thing will apply.
Range needs to be really high and could be mounted on the back wing mount might check ebay bay only be a few bucks for one. By using just a thin one on each side you could adjust the wing dependent on force to dial it in. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif
As for use coming to NY God doesn't allow people like use to congregate for more than a few hours at one spot, we get dangerous