The Top Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 Resource

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Why do you love this car?


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2009
Kemp, TX
I own a 3kgt sl and I was looking at picking up something awd and turbo, evos/wrxs cost too much and 3ks/stealths can't really fit more then one passenger.


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
-4G63 powered
-Looks like an average slow 4 door grocery getting turd to most, but actually is not /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif

P.S. nobody likes to get beat in a race by a 4 cylinder 4 door...Just sayin.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2002
central Indiana
Assuming you don't actually beat the crap out of your car, they are cheaper to own and way cheaper to insure then a EVO/WRX/STI

No car payments.
I have never gotten a speeding ticket in a GVR4, even though I've actually been pulled over a few times. Other times, I think cops heard fast, then seen my car and moved on. It really is a true sleeper.
No car payments.
It pulls duty all year long with the right tires.
No car payments.
I first got it because insurance was less then half of a DSM and I wanted the cheaper insurance. Now I like keeping the car because it isn't a boy toy car. While I'm sure I'd love to drive a EVO/WRX/STI, I would loose the anonymity of bland unknown box thing driving down the road.
No car payments.

The only true downside to these cars is their age. They will bite you when you think all is good. I'm currently down due to blown intake manifold gasket. As long as you can fix it, it will continue to keep on living. In fact, mine has been so reliable lately using it only on the street, that my troubleshooting and mechanical skills are rather rusty. I feel like I've forgotten most of what I've learned with these cars. I drive it fast sometimes and I have fun with it, but I don't abuse it or race it. Once you get past the annoyances and things that need to be fixed right away, they should be good to go. As long as you have a solid non hacked, driven in to the ground car to start with.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
Indianapolis, In.
Because.....I ran past a Boxter a few hours ago and he tried to catch up...I finally let him and he gave me a really dirty look! And then I took off! It was pretty funny thinking that he had MUCH more money in his two seater than I did in my grocery getter with a trunk and two car seats in the back seat.

I then proceeded home after doing a little bit more tweaking in with the ecm and think my clutch just gave out! Should have replaced it when I did the engine, but it looked fine. Must be time to upgrade the transmission also......But I still really like the car!


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
Indianapolis, In.
Oh and I also really like that although it's a 1992 it does have features that a lot of new cars don't have.

-Timer on windows and sunroof that allows me to close them after I have pulled the key out and opened the door
-Wipers slow down for you when you slow down

Just to name a few


Staff member
Apr 18, 2008
Arlington, Tx
I love it because of the ease of modifying. Unlike other cars, at least you don't bump into another one every day. My wife has a love/hate issue with my car. She says I spend too much time on the Galant but she loves riding it. Plus a 2 door car was out of the question at the time and the four door seemed attractive to her. Little did she know.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2005
Tampa, FL.
1. cheap to insure.
2. 5spd/awd/boosted/aws /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
3. most hot shots think it's just an 80's p.o.s. import with a spoiler! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Then the other day when I parked in the junk yard some kid in a honda yelled, " Hey is that a real Galant VR4?"
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Well-known member
May 29, 2004
Chico, CA
I sold mine a year ago to KingMarty here on the site. It was an absolute amazing car, a blast to drive, and I must say the cleanest VR4 in the area. Unfortunately for here in California, we have to smog check our cars, which makes modifications illegal to the motor. Finding a shop that will pass it is costly, a PITA, and if pulled over by a cop and they pop the hood, a big problem with state officials.
After modding it a fair amount, I never could get it to run right. It ran well, but not perfect. Finding a shop/person that could help out was impossible, and I eventually got fed up. I sold it for way too cheap because it caused headaches, and as a daily driver that was responsible for taking my child to school, it was unacceptable. Also, the one shop I had good luck with when it came to working on the car, a Mitsu dealer about 2 hours away, made a good point. Its an old car. Its going to have more and more troublesome headaches more frequently due to crusty, old wiring and electronics. That was a reality check. Sell it.
Now I have a reliable DD, boring, but reliable. I have a 1960 Austin Healey in the garage to tinker with, something that will never have the issues of a newer car thats modded. And it will do nothing but appreciate.
So I made the correct, logical decision for me. My son and I have a great DD, and I have my toy in the garage.
But I miss that damn GVR4.


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2008
San Antonio, Tx
This question gets passed around periodically on the forum. I've got 4 years, 400+ miles and 4 very different phases on my Galant. At this point it's a very expensive driveway ornament. But I think Mr. Broxma explains it best though: " Most of the GVR4's these days need work. A dying breed. Any monkey can buy a used Evo and get it to run 11's for a grand on top or so. The GVR4 is like a custom tailored suit, the Evo is off the rack. The GVR4's become personal, part of the person. We associate each other by our numbers. We group ourselves by colors, by years. We are not in competition with one another, but are in service of one another. We aren't looking to screw the next guy over to make ourselves look better. This very philosophy is diametrically opposed to almost any other auto oriented club I know of, certainly EvoM and Nasioc. We don't get to choose sides based on some brand loyalty, we have to make it up on our own. We have no brands. We are the forgotten few. And yet we all have a connection, to our cars and each other. this is getting sappy and sad. Let's end it here before one of the emotional types starts bawling or something.

/brox "


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2010
" Most of the GVR4's these days need work. A dying breed. Any monkey can buy a used Evo and get it to run 11's for a grand on top or so. The GVR4 is like a custom tailored suit, the Evo is off the rack. The GVR4's become personal, part of the person. We associate each other by our numbers. We group ourselves by colors, by years. We are not in competition with one another, but are in service of one another. We aren't looking to screw the next guy over to make ourselves look better. This very philosophy is diametrically opposed to almost any other auto oriented club I know of, certainly EvoM and Nasioc. We don't get to choose sides based on some brand loyalty, we have to make it up on our own. We have no brands. We are the forgotten few. And yet we all have a connection, to our cars and each other. this is getting sappy and sad. Let's end it here before one of the emotional types starts bawling or something.

AMEN to this!


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
I do love the comradory of these forums. I frequent Nasioc since I own an STI, but I honestly don't know why. It is a horrible forum, I think the fact it has 300k members has something to do with it.

But the Galant vr4 community is definitely a huge plus to owning one.
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I hope that this car can be reliable as well as fun to drive. What do they say: fast, cheap, reliable, choose two. Well, it doesn't have to be fast necessarily. The car has a 16g, FMIC, turbo back 3in exhaust, wahlbro 255, GM maf with translator (that I still need to tune). And I'm putting a good amount of maintenance into it. As it sits, it's fast enough at the moment. Just the spooling of the turbo gets me giddy! I don't have a boost controller and I'm not sure my boost gauge works properly (tells me I'm running 10lbs at 3k, 12lbs at 3.5, and 15 at 4k. I thought the wastegate on those turbos was a little less than 15, but I guess the spring may be stretched.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2006
bartlesville, ok
I brought my galant GSX from california for $200 the previous owners tried to convert it to a VR4 but failed, for stupid reasons. I've spent a ton of cash in it. It has enough blood in it to be related to me. But, both my children refuse to let me consider selling it, it is referred to as "The fast car". For a long time it was my daily driver, sadly it has never ran as well as it could, if i had access to a good tuner. But as said by others, it has a personality, it is still the best most fun car i've ever driven. It is reliable... as long as i can quit doing stuff to Needless to say it is currently off the road for upgrades /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif Zeitronix wideband, newer intercooler and shorter piping. New throttle body, new radiator, catch can, new wiring harness connectors - to remove the hack job by previous owners.
i dont care if the gas mileage sucks, when it makes awesome noises... the noise and reactions of those around, are worth it.
One time i got pulled over, and the cop walked back... walked around, and then came back and said... umm what is it? lol awesome.


Well-known member
May 13, 2007
q.c. philippines
Quoting oldman_tau:
" Most of the GVR4's these days need work. A dying breed. Any monkey can buy a used Evo and get it to run 11's for a grand on top or so. The GVR4 is like a custom tailored suit, the Evo is off the rack. The GVR4's become personal, part of the person. We associate each other by our numbers. We group ourselves by colors, by years. We are not in competition with one another, but are in service of one another. We aren't looking to screw the next guy over to make ourselves look better. This very philosophy is diametrically opposed to almost any other auto oriented club I know of, certainly EvoM and Nasioc. We don't get to choose sides based on some brand loyalty, we have to make it up on our own. We have no brands. We are the forgotten few. And yet we all have a connection, to our cars and each other. this is getting sappy and sad. Let's end it here before one of the emotional types starts bawling or something.

AMEN to this!

Plus juan!
Very well said sir.


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2003
Omaha, NE
Quoting MMCVR4:
Quoting 1971:
So why do ya'll love this car?

...and four jack stands...


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2002
central Indiana
Quoting rdomeck:
Because.....I ran past a Boxter a few hours ago and he tried to catch up...I finally let him and he gave me a really dirty look! And then I took off! It was pretty funny thinking that he had MUCH more money in his two seater than I did in my grocery getter with a trunk and two car seats in the back seat.

I then proceeded home after doing a little bit more tweaking in with the ecm and think my clutch just gave out! Should have replaced it when I did the engine, but it looked fine. Must be time to upgrade the transmission also......But I still really like the car!

Funny, last year I thought I was going to hand it to a smug Boxster driver. We were both at a light and I only saw the front of his car, and that it had no top. We get going and I mash it and then so does he. We are neck and neck. Didn't pull in 1st, didn't pull on him in 2nd, and then in the middle of 3rd, his nose starts to come out. I'm thinking... Perhaps my car isn't as fast as I thought it was. Well, I was way past the speed limit, I knew I wasn't going to win this one, so I let off. Then I see the back of the car. Carrera S convertible. I didn't feel so bad after that.
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Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
Blairstown, NJ
I like being able to produce copious amount of horsepower, being able to put it all down to the track, and still look like a goofy old plain econobox. Love running these cars at the dragstrip and having 1/3 of the spectators leave the stands and come to the pits after a pass to see "WTF was that!"
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