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Whiteline sway bar and endlink problem... Update


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2004
East Sussex, U.K.
Well Sleepy, I can understand that like 6 out of 7 Dwarfs you too are not Happy /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif however, I think in this situation the outcome is better than expected for yourself as I think it is clear at this point that there is nothing wrong with your bar itself. I looked at our photos again and realized I definitely didn't get the same bar as you. Unless Whiteline revised the design I'm pretty sure my bar was incorrectly labelled since I had THREE adjustment holes in the bar instead of two.

To be honest, the endlinks that I received don't even look the same either. I have always had a great deal of respect for the Whiteline stuff, but this incident with the rear swaybar has made me a bit wary (once bitten twice shy as they say). And I don't mean this as any reflection upon Garfield, it's not his fault, I just think that as the VR4 market dwindles for Whiteline (as evidenced by them discontinuing products etc) they are less interested in us and place more emphasis on their future potential Evolution customers.

I tend to agree with Mark on this issue that the OEM endlinks do the job just as well if not better by virtue of the fact that they actually fit. I do take your point about thread depth though and I will go back and check on that. Thanks for bringing that up.

If Whiteline can produce a set of endlinks that are tougher and fit properly I admit that you probably would be better off. You are also in a good position now with this evidence to push WL to exchange your links for the correct ones (if they exist!). If you get any joy, please let me know. I might try sending my damaged endlinks back to them on the basis that the damage was caused as a result of incorrect fitment, but I'm certainly not about to throw another $100 WL's way on the off chance that I might be lucky the third time around and actually get a product that fits.

Well, this isn't good but glad to see the stock end links worked so you're car won't be down & there's no issue with the WL bar itself. These end links were put together based on measurements I sent to WL of the overall dimension of the end links. I got the 1st set in & installed them on my car with the stock sway bar & there were no clearance issues as you can see in link in my earlier post. Only thing I didn't have an opportunity to do is to test them on the WL bar /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif WL is not to be blamed here as they still make great products.

For those with the WL end links please PM me so we can work something out. Last thing I want to do is sell a product that doesn't do what it's supposed to.


Well-known member
May 4, 2003
Clarksville TN
Well I'll be going through the same situation with mine since I bought the swaybars Jason had for sale but not a point to start yet. I bought a lot of heim joints from a guy on ebay and plan on using them with a barrel nut and a bolt from the lower arm but I really bet some digging in the boxes at advance or auto zone would source out a correct unit, and maybe some that are even shorter than factory. Talk to a manager type at either and ask to see there books instead of the computer. lots of parts have dims in the books and you'll be amazed what you'll find. I went up to advance a few weeks ago at 8:30 at night looking for a wheel bearing for a trailer wheel and after 5 minutes of digging found the exact bearing we needed and got the guys trailer back up and running.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2003
Danville, Pennsylvania
Quoting cheekychimp:
I had THREE adjustment holes in the bar instead of two.

Actually mine has 3 holes too, you just can't see them from the angle I took the pictures.

But notice how the ends on my bar flare out more than yours do. I look at my buddies car and noticed that same difference between his sway bar and mine. I'm guessing the earlier versions of the bar look like yours and 1941Galant's. I ordered my bar probably 6 months ago so mine isn't that old.
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