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When did you fall in love with the GVR4


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2011
Houston, Texas
what made me fall in love with Galant VR4's are 2 reasons, first one being: 1051, (Mark's car) when i was way younger i used to always watch these movies called "Driven" and "Driven 2", at the time they were THE BEST compiled DSM/GVR4 vids on the internet and would always have me on the edge of my seat and bring some much excitment after watching them, when i saw 1051 in the first Driven video i was like OMG i love this car, and we're talkin about like 14 years ago, so i didnt even really know much about Galant VR4's yet. anyways thats what pretty much started it all, second reason was a buddy of mine that lives here in Houston named Robin (BPU925) i remember him having one from way back then too when my GST was my only car, i really liked his VR4 and was super jealous and thought to myself god he is soo lucky and never thought i'd be able to get one like that. then one day when i was living in Cali i found 550/2000 in Buena park, and quickly jumped on it.

anyways here are the videos for the people who have never seen them click click


Active member
Oct 12, 2010
woodinville, Wa
In 2009 I was in college and was obsessed with cutting up 80's toyota 4x4's and off roading them. I wanted a car version of an offroad vehicle, thus I started saving money forever to buy an evo III that a guy had in the states I knew about. Then one day like magic, sitting parked in front of my house was a kensington grey GVR4. I had never seen one before and was intrigued so I went out and looked at it. I saw the the turbo, all wheel steer, and awd badging so I immediately lost it and went online to do some research. Immediately fell in love. Was so excited to find one until i realized that there were only 3k imported into the states so I lost all hope for ever finding one I could afford. A week later I flew to the bering sea for three months of work. When I got back, I had a pocket full of cash and came home in search of a GVR4 and that's when I found one that just so happened to be owned by a friend of mine! Small world... that's when I picked up 1732. Lots of work and about 3 grand in parts later, it was stolen from me. Now I have 659/1k. I love GVR4s. Had a lot of great times in 1732. I will never not own one of these cars and hope to have more in the future. On top of the great car is this awesome community here that I appreciate and enjoy being a part of. Never had a car that makes me happy like my GVR4 does.



Well-known member
Apr 7, 2005
About 10 years ago, a family guy. Daily driving a corolla home from work and a jeep cherokee slices straight out of a bank parking lot and into my lane. I slam into him. Corolla is totaled. Need a car right away. My boss has a friend selling a 90 ggsx with 78K on it so I pick it up. Pretty clean, AWD, new michelins, I keep it. A couple years later I'm on the DC beltway driving my daughter (she's 12 at the time) to her cousins' to spend the weekend. Sun is below the horizon but its still light outside. Up ahead I see familiar tail lights. :) So I say to her, "Jess. Look, a car just like mine." She sits up and watches as i gain on it. The tag says "MACHVR4". I pull along his right side and honk. He looks over. As I'm waving, pointing and trying to convey how neat it is that our cars are the same...he punches it. In what couldn't have been more than a few seconds?? I lost him! I didn't even have time to mash the gas pedal!
With my jaw still hanging open /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif I hear my daughter say, "Cool dad." "Catch him"
That night I punched his tag into google and it hit on this site. Couple years later, wife leaves me for booze. Looking for something interesting to occupy my time. So I pick one up. Then another. Then a 1G. By the way, after I bought my first one I met MACHVR4 at one of the meets Harry (original Number 3) had in the Philadelphia area. Can't remember MACHVR4's name but last I knew he was in the Air Force at Scott. May still be on this site, not sure.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
My parents knew I wanted a car to modified. The summer when I was 15 so I think 2001, I started looking for a fast import, narrowed it down to a '93 3000gt VR-4 or a Starion. I fell in love with the Starions but the ones around me were either too junky or too pricy. Finally a family friend mentioned the Galant VR-4, so I looked it up and did very little research found pictures here and there and thought the body was okay. I wasn't to thrilled about a 4 door, till my dad found one. We went to take a look at it and test drove it and I actually fell in love with it the more I looked at it. A couple days later we called the guy and offered him $5000 for it and he said no. My dad never told me that, he just said he left a message. A couple weeks went by and the guy called my dad says he'll do the $5000 since every one else wasn't serious or low balled him.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
80022, CO

The romance between my car and I is merely lust.
I guess you could say I'm still waiting to fall in love with this bitch. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2007
plymouth, MN
So if anyone could guess my Dad was into Big, dirty v-8 things with calibrated leaks on top of them. And he drove #1062 home from work one day and said, "Son it needs some break work and a standard tune up". So there it sat, until we wanted to know what was up with this white 4 door family car thing.

My first words were, man this thing sounds like a blender, then after looking under the hood, wow that is a lot of radiator hoses....

Then after many moons of learning, fiddling and changing things its almost there. I figure 1 more good run at 42-45psi it should do what I want, then turn it down to 40ish and enjoy the car for years to come.



Well-known member
May 17, 2007
Oak Harbor, WA
Sometime in 2006, I was at a local dsm meet in Virginia Beach and Jonas (Blitzgvr4) brought 533/1000 to the meet and immediately fell in love with looks and Belize Green! Soon after I was reading up on the forums and hunting for one, found 1350 while on the last few months of my deployment in early 2008. First thing I did when the ship arrived back in Norfolk, was take the greyhound to Asheville, NC to pick up and drive the car home.

Where is 1350 these days? Some of the newer guys may be wondering...
I was fighting a losing battle and really already lost war against cancer on the car. Stripped and scrapped in winter 2011. She made the journey from VA to WA with only a couple issues, met up with the wopper in Yakistan, hung out a bit, then continued on. If it wasn't for the VR4, I wouldn't have ever dove into learning about the history of the Galants and then eventually owning my two 2nd Gen Galants, then helping corrupt fellow vr4 members to go old school galant style /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif. I look at my '76 as the reincarnation of 1350, since it has a variety of 6th gen parts going into it including 1350's engine (now stroked and built) and a spare gas tank I had.

I love my Garants! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif


Staff member
Apr 18, 2008
Arlington, Tx
It started with a 1gsx ....I brought it back to stock. I after further learning about mitsubishis, I started to check out Gvr4s on here. I actually was looking since '08 but finally found one in December of '09 and I never looked back. My car hasn't been a pain at all...she has been good to me and I've been playing with her hardcore and I like how she has been. I need to get her back up and running so I can enjoy her more.


Active member
Sep 13, 2011
Rotterdam NY
2006. Just outta highschool i went to my first Hot import Night event. There in the parking lot as soon as i rounded the corner in my 240sx was a fully built 1992 vr4. It was a Machinists car and he had fabbed everything from exhaust to manifold/IC pipping. Car was immaculate and left my number on the window incase he left before i did. He took me for a ride and i remember that exhaust note. was simply amazing.

Fast forward to 2011 my friend got in an accident with his M3 after owning it for 3 days. Then bought a E30 3 series bmw and then traded that for this mess of a vr4. It had been used and abused by the last 4 owners in 6 years here in NY. before that it was a MINT North carolina car. After working out the bugs, deleting AC and AWS (both leaked bad) and getting DSM link for the big16g and supporting mods we both finally were somewhat happy(er) then when he got it. Then in the fall of 2012 he jokingly said it was forsale while it was at our buddys shop getting new control arms. The next day i had cash and the rest is history.

The fact that its not what you think it is, has an amazing motor with TONS of support and is rally inspired had me sold on it the second he said the 2 magical words (for sale)

WHOREING: /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

or here /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

OH and watch what i do when im bored. ( abandoned parking lot... filming in mexico haha)


Staff member
Apr 18, 2008
Arlington, Tx
Yeah, I sold Ken an Injen 2g intake pipe from my 1g gsx. We met up at the Bass pro shop/ Whataburger in Grapevine. That f***er from that point had subconsciously influenced me to seek out a gvr4. I had a black xterra s/c and I tried to catch up but of course..he was gone. I owe it to him...100%.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2005
Tampa, FL.
About '96 I was at my local Mitsu dealer getting parts for my SQ. While at the parts counter there was a tech changing the clutch on BG GVR4, I didn't even know what it was. I say to the tech hey you don't see to many stick Galant's do you. He said the owner traded it in for an automatic and went on to talk about how the owner shouldn't bought a Galant VR4 if all he wanted was a regular Galant. Then he started talking about how much a sleeper it was with the turbo/awd/4ws system. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gifI was hooked, especially since my family was growing and the SQ was getting to small. So I went back for a test drive when the tech was done. The salesman was a real d!ck though, he wanted me to drive like an old lady. Back then they wanted $14k for this car. In '99 I was back at the same dealership with the wife, she had her heart set on a new Galant. After her test drive the salesman had her pull through the used car lot and I saw a SW GVR4, I was in love with #50. Oh by the way, that same old salesman that gave me a hard time while test driving that BG years earlier was looking on in envy while his co-worker sold us two Galant's! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif
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