OK, I repaired the two broken studs, put on a new gasket and cannot get this thing to stop leaking. I am about to pull out my remaining hairs. It even leaks vapor now when the car is standing still.
I thought I might have a height issue, since the replacement Walbro pump is longer than the original, so I made some adjustments to make sure it fit all the way down properly. I am down to suspecting that the tank has corrosion on the actual tank flange that is underneath the welded-on collar piece that contains the studs, and gas is leaking out the seam there. That is the only thing I can figure out at this point. I may have to remove the stud collar if I cannot figure out how to seal it without doing that.
Anyone else experienced this?
And to top it off, on the last part of my drive home today, the car decided to stall at every stop. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif