Quoting boosted_85:
no wonder its so cheap, its another wetlaid casting. Now lets see the trimed part back in the silicone mold.
Ok putting a cease and desist order up now. I talk to John on the phone and have helped with other projects he's done for the guys here. I'm not doing this post because were friends but because I would do it for any member here, even you and I don't even know you. Ask any of the old timers here I don't get all political or get steamed very easy but John is giving his time and efforts to a project to better the community if there not perfect they want go out. He's anal as I am and I'll also be inspecting the parts for fitment install etc. because he asked me to.
Now. The guy that is doing these for him/us is in the very top of his field and is the HMFIC and one of the biggest corporations in Orlando. He doesn't want it out where he works so the info isn't getting out. But he's not some guy building speaker boxes at a local car stereo installation shop if thats what your thinking. I wish I had his job or worked with him. As for me I've messed with stuff like this before and understand the basics but never have build anything from scratch besides doing some airplane stuff and helped in repairing a lopressti cf cowl that my dumb ass boss cut a hole in for a starter. 15K for a speed cowl that required a different starter but he's to dumb or cheap to read the instructions. Since I don't have the experience in it I'm not going to try and talk a bunch of sh*t or be an internet expert and copy and paste a bunch of crap from some website. As for the way him or John are doing it who really freaking cares, the replica is built to be a direct copy of a unicorn part and actually is better now because its two pieces and can fit not only the JDM bumper but the USDM one as well.
Now since you work in the industry you know how much it cost for materials and materials for a mold etc. Maybe we should all chip in a few thousand a piece and we'll buy John and his buddy an autoclave. As for the pictures above It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that is only the silicone part of the mold/lay-up. How do you know what else there using or do you have superman's xray vision and can see 360 degrees around the room of a picture. Maybe that's not superman. sh*t you get the point. When you've been a member around here as long as John... question and talk sh*t but do it with some tact. John has given up many hours of his life working on projects for people here as well as money that he's never re-cooped. sh*t he was the lead on the subframe bushings and sold his car before he ever got a set to install. Ain't that a bitch.