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update 4/21 parts rolling in time to build 416/2000 up

on a new engine a new front cover and pump is cheap insurance, and after 100k+ miles is probably a good idea.

you want to correct him on spelling, but you can't even read. You say that the water pump pully is a waste, but if you would read the whole post, you would see that his original was damaged. If you have to replace it anyways, why not get a nicer one.

Everyone has their own taste. Even if it did cost him 50k, so what? Its his car and his money. Stop acting like the government, you dont know how to spend other peoples money better than they do.


Well-known member
May 18, 2008
bergen county nj
First there were metal shavings in the oil the acl bearings were recommended by the guy that built all the bullish racing motors. My main reason for replacing every last nut and bolt is detail it makes me feel better and counting the cost of the car I've only spent about $25,000 and all I have left to pay for is the interior and body work which is not all that expensive. I don't know why you think $50,000 maby if I was joe nobody and didn't get great deals from people like garfield at tuner nation,jesse w at revolution motorsport, olivar at slow boy and many others it was possible to do all this work without breaking the bank too much. I can understand reusing parts like front cover and oil filter housing if you don't have the means to replace them. But like I said before if your gonna do it why not do it all. You have your opinion and way to do things I have mine and everybody else has theirs.I appreciate constructive criticism but I don't understand the need for the bashings. I don't know who s#!t in your corn flakes but it wasn't me so take your aggression out on someone else.

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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2002
I feel like dude just posted up a shopping list/dream setup.

Its all good, but seriously if you even have a third of that stuff already you are doing well and I hope you reach your goal.....for some reason I doubt it though.

I hope you prove my negative attitude wrong though, cause it sounds like your dream build is pretty awesome.

Oh, and why not go with something besides autometer?
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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2007
Seekonk, MA
SLOWBOY is horrible!!!

I got no problems with what your doing... I have the same OCD as you but I also do have limits. I wouldn't replace some of the stuff you have listed because those things will never be needed for my expectations. Maybe you have different/higher expectations? Possibly but then you wouldn't be using some of the parts you have listed for example 760cc injectors on an eagle crank? The power limits of 760cc injectors would be fine for a stock crank. I just don't get what your doing which is why I question your build. People usually run eagle cranks because they are doing BIG things and 760cc injectors arent BIG things.

The first impression I got when I read this was some kid building a car using websites sitting in his moms basement. I could be wrong but that was the impression. If you build the car, it should be a nice ride. Goodluck.
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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2005
Portland OR,
-bored .020 over/decked/alighn honed - Why .020?? How do you know you dont need more?

.20 almost always will will be more than enough. I don't think in the 11 years I have been placing with 4gs have I every had to have a block cut more than .20

-eagle 88mm crank - ???

Not the greatest but it will work. I know a few people that are running this crank with no problems. All spinning well past 8000rpms

-acl alumaglide rod & main bearings - trimetal bearings please?

Again they will be fine. I have used them many times and never had a motor come apart because of bearings. If I can build 15.0L ISX cummins motors with these beaing and they will see 500,000-800,000miles before ever having to be changed, then a 4g that will get 100,000miles will be fine.

-new oil squirters/bolts- whats wrong with the originals?

If it gives him peace of mind then let it be. After all its his money

-new oe front cover with oil pump - whats wrong with the original?

Are you f***ing joking me. You never ever ever use a old front cover and gears on a new motor.

-new oil filter housing - whats wrong with the original

Maybe he wanted a new one because he crushed his old one. Or this on started leaking coolant into the oil. His last motor could have spun a bearing and now the cooler is full of metal.

-ati damper pulley - WASTE!!!!

Why would you not. The stock once sucks ass. Sorry but rubber fused to metal will only last for so long. Now he never has to buy a new on. It really sucks when you have a factory on come part and it starts eating at you timing belt cover and timing belt.
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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
Quoting krkline2gdsm:
all wrong.... just all wrong. I make the car faster with half those parts and half the money you would spend.

it seems like u just complain alot about what everyone else does to their car. Everyone can do whatever they want to their car and its nice to see someone taking time and doing a nice build


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2007
Seekonk, MA
I believe his exact words were: "let me know what you think." I didnt do anything more than what he asked. If anyone is complaining, it would be you as I didnt ask for what you thought about me.


Well-known member
May 18, 2008
bergen county nj
thanks brian and boosted

the reason for the eagle crank is the old one walked i needed a new crank. i also had the block align honed cause of the main studs. and i wanted to use standard size bearings not any oversize the best way to go is a new crank not a re manufactured one. and for the price of a new crank i just bought the eagle one.

the machine work wasn't costly at all either!

the block
bored .20 over
hot tanked
align honed
total cost under $350.00 by promar

the head
5 angle valve job
the cams will be degreed when long block is assembled
total cost $0.00 done by BERT GAERTNER

the only thing that is up in the air right now is the color. i really like the viper snake skin green but think it might be too lime if you know what i mean. i know i want green its just a matter of picking something that really catches me.
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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2007
Seekonk, MA
Those are amazing prices. I know I spent around $1500 for my head... of course that included the parts. What head did you go with and what was ported on it?


Well-known member
May 18, 2008
bergen county nj
1g head all the intake and exhaust runners were port matched nothing to crazy

bert recently tuned a 1g fwd that had bone stock internals only internal upgrade 272/272 cam combo still has the original valve train the long block minus the cams has 150,000 miles on it has a

dog box trans
act clutch
ghetto exhaust manifold
bullseye s200 turbo 30psi boost internally gated
ghetto home made exhaust
ets front mount
jmf intake manifold
900cc injectors
aem ems
running on c16 this car put down 416hp at the wheels and ran 11.4 in the 1/4 mile

this just goes to show what can be done whit these cars this 1g still runs and the owner has big plans to make well over 900hp. but not until they blow this one up they want to see how far they can push this 150,000 mile motor before it s#!ts the bed.

i know i would be fine on a stock rebuild but ive been down that road a many of times and end up spending more money that way in the long run. i am only useing 760cc injectors cause to start off i want to play it safe and keep it around 400hp. but in the future if i feel the need for more power all i have to do is buy bigger injectors re tune it and im on my way.


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2007
Seekonk, MA
Yeah I went with a 2G head. You ever look close at the valve seats @ the bowls. There is a huge lip at the seat. Did you do anything to correct it or did you just leave it the way it was?

I am assuming your running a .57 trim size turbo?


Well-known member
May 18, 2008
bergen county nj
i don't know the exact details and specs of all the head work i gave bert a bare stock head and when he is done with it he will let me know. that's good enough for me if you cant trust the person doing the machine work on your parts don't use them.he has a reputation for building some of the worlds fastest cars and holds many world records i am confident he knows what to do.

as for the turbo
Compressor Wheel Diameter 54mm

Compressor Wheel Inducer - 2.123

Compressor Wheel Exducer 3.000

Wheel Trim 50 Trim


Well-known member
May 18, 2008
bergen county nj
Quoting kartorium:
I feel like dude just posted up a shopping list/dream setup.

Its all good, but seriously if you even have a third of that stuff already you are doing well and I hope you reach your goal.....for some reason I doubt it though.

I hope you prove my negative attitude wrong though, cause it sounds like your dream build is pretty awesome.

Oh, and why not go with something besides autometer?

heres your dream/shopping list for ya

and much much more and the reason for autometer i have been using them for years and i got all the gauges for a few hunderd bucks.

you want to cal me out im 1 step ahead of you all the way.

i didn't just play online for a few hours and come up with some fantasy list.

this entire build was thought out for months before anything was ordered.i talked to many reputable builders such as alex and chris from dog box racing, oliver lj and joe from slow boy racing, BERT GAERTNER the originator of pro store/bullish racing, turbo dave from Deviant1 Racing, jesse w form revolution motorsport, garfield wright of tuner nation, larry parker from hotbits, paulo from aeroworks, andre from pina motorsports, frank from directed electronics/212 motoring, and countless members from the board and lots more. all their input and oponions have influenced this build. so if your gonna question my build then your gonna question all the people listed. i would rather take the advice of veteran pros and knowledgeable individuals. rather than some joe handyman who finds fault with every thread he reads. it is true what they say misery loves company. and your never lonely.
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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2002
well good deal, looks like you are on your way. Be sure to take lots of pics and document the buildup, I'm sure everyone would like to see.


Well-known member
May 18, 2008
bergen county nj
didn't see the point in taking both out of the box. there is also a pic of only 1 piston does that make it a 1 cylinder.
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