I'll look today. I don't think that you'll have to do that but the problem with a dedicated hydraulic handbrake is that it will bleed down and it's tough on your seals if it's not used as a momentary brake.
Paul look up the dune buggy stuff for the hand brakes. You can get the systems that have one for each rear tire. Great for sliding through corners /drifting or showing out. Feels like driving a farm tractor.
My dune buddy friends all have them and use them to steer or do donuts by having them on the front.
That hood is one of the gayest things I've seen in a while. Nice job Alex /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/applause.gif Paint some damn flames on the thing, and then have Bill put in one of those tailpipe flame throwers...er, shotgun blast thingys.
I was just wondering why everything is being shipped to bimmubishi then going to be sent to cheeky? Where is the car at right now? Who is gonna install all of this stuff? When is the car expected to be all done?
Yes, exactly. It's easier for Paul because he has a group of guys he trusts here and won't have to pay for individual shipping for every part to him, and... many places can't take credit cards from Hong Kong and other places far outside the USA, the companies feel like it's a lot of liability. It works out well for everyone.
I see you got the Griffin controller. Damn, I still remember when those things were called paddles back in the days of Pong and before there was such a thing as a joystick.
I really don't know what I would have done without all you guys. I really don't think I could have done all this on my own. Funny isn't it how you guys are all craving JDM and this JDM VR4 is gonna have more DSM goodies on it than half the DSMs over there.
The Griffin Powermate is pretty cool. I'll have to actually get it plugged in to the dedicated on board PC to find out how much functionality it has. Essentially it will be the master control volume for the MP3 player and hopefully I can get some of the auxiliary buttons programmed for mute, next/previous track etc
The keyboard is a wireless unit, supposedly with a 100 ft range which is kind of pointless since I'll only use it inside the car. I just like it because it's small and there are no wires in the way. It will fit nicely in the magazine pocket on the back of the passenger seat until I need it.
I would love to. But whilst I think I can make it over to the States (perhaps next year) sadly I don't think I'll ever be able to get the car over there. I guess we are always going to be looking at each others cars and just wondering ... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif
I think there's a lot more to it than the car though. I hope CJ is willing to share with me on tuning the DSMLink when the time comes and I'll be asking your advice on launching I'm sure.
Right now I'd settle for just making my trunk as clean as yours. I wish I knew how you made those trap doors for the batteries and amps etc.
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