So I'm curious, when sitting behind the wheel or looking in from the front of the car, is it possible to get the evo seat centered perfectly behind the wheel with these brackets or is it just me having problems? I've been playing with these for a bit and it's just slightly off center putting me closer to the door. It's not THAT bad, and I'm sure I could get used to it as it doesn't really feel that far off, but it's still bugging me. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Like I said, I more curious than anything of everyone else's experience. I'm not knocking the brackets and/or the work that went to this at all. (thanks again) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif If anything, it might take a slight mod for me to be completely happy, but I'll get there.
Here's what I'm looking at (excuse the crappy image quality) - angle of the pic makes it look a little more off than it is, but you get the idea.