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standalone ecu?


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2008
32159, FL
I have not dealt with AEM in years but a few years back their systems were not very good as it was just a modded honda standalone that they made plug and play for a lot of cars which took forever to crank and get fired up but I don't know much about the new ones so it may be better than the sems of the past but in my mind they tarnished their reputation and like I said before they spent big $$ on marketing.

I had pro efi in my supra and it was pretty good but not as good or capable as the v-88 from vi-pec and yea 90% of the people who feel they need sems would prolly be fine with AEM but for that 10% that demand the best there are far far better options.

To the op Megasquirt is a very good option with good cust support and it all depends what exactly you need sems for?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Marysville, WA
A while back i heard good things about F.A.S.T.'s XFI sems. Can't say i've had any personal experience with it, but might be worth looking into. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2010
Quoting 3rdstrikedsm:
I have not dealt with AEM in years but a few years back their systems were not very good as it was just a modded honda standalone that they made plug and play for a lot of cars which took forever to crank and get fired up but I don't know much about the new ones so it may be better than the sems of the past but in my mind they tarnished their reputation and like I said before they spent big $$ on marketing.

I had pro efi in my supra and it was pretty good but not as good or capable as the v-88 from vi-pec and yea 90% of the people who feel they need sems would prolly be fine with AEM but for that 10% that demand the best there are far far better options.

To the op Megasquirt is a very good option with good cust support and it all depends what exactly you need sems for?

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif Where do you get your information from? It was just a retrofitted Civic Standalone EMS? Why? Because they released it for Hondas first and then realized there is a huge demand for a plug and play EMS? That is terrible logic and completely ignorant.

You know why they take forever to crank in AEM EMS? Because most people don't set the dwells correctly. It also doesn't help that the majority of timing setups on cars don't offer the resolution that most standalones would like to see. There is a guy that owned an AEM EMS and a triggerdisc and he can start in 3 cranks. So your argument is nullified.

And the PRO-EFI ecu is much more capable than your Vipec System sorry to say. Does your system offer automatic transmission control? Does your system offer flex fuel automatic switching system? Does your ecu offer two CAN channels?

Also if you want the BEST of the BEST, then you go Motec, hands down. End of story. I am sure John Reed and all the best tuners out there will tell you different *Sarcasm* /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif
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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2008
32159, FL
Yes Aem was derived from a honda system and all of the sudden Vi-pec is my system? I suggest you do some searching of what v88 can do because I think you may referring to v44 and yes pro efi is very good but everybody has an opinion on sems systems.

There is a reason that a lot of the shops that used to use AEM do not use it anymore.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2010
I have researched almost every ECU system. The Vipec is not capable of controlling an automatic transmission, end of story. It cannot switch and change maps on the fly based off a ethanol sensor like Pro-EFI. I am not saying it is a bad system but it is far from the BEST or PERFECT system. Pro-EFI is above it along with Motec because of CAN interfacing alone.

Also I would like to see sources for that the AEM EMS is based off a "honda ecu". You just state this information without actually backing it up. I know tons upon tons of shops that still use AEM and have tons of success. Most of the "problems" with AEM EMS comes from improper setup and tuning.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Ohio, USA
I own 2 Galant VR-4's both with AEM EMS Standalone. Tuned and built by me.

Not the best standalone but good bang for the buck.



Well-known member
Mar 3, 2010

Exactly. They are good for the normal needs. I bought an AEM EMS for my VR4 because it was cheap and plug and play. Cost me LESS than my DSMLink V3 so it was a no brainer. Sure they aren't the best of the best but are a great budget standalone that offers automatic transmission control.

I honestly could have gone with a Motec M4 but didn't feel like doing all that wiring work only to never use all those features.

I never post in tech section unless I have first hand knowledge of something that I know will be beneficial to the discussion but I have to ask the OP, one of your comments you mentioned you are not technical savy so you will let someone else explain the badassery of such and such ems. My question is this, what is your goal for your car that you cannot reach with a more simple system like ECMTuning (formerly dsmlink)? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif

Why the need to jump to a complete stand alone such as autronic, pro efi or aem, all of which are above your head and probably overkill unless you are buiilding a full out race car.

We run DTA F.A.S.T in our Evo 8 race car. When we strapped it to the dyno, on the 3rd or 4th pull we were over 800 awhp. We stopped @ 999 because we ran out of fuel on e98 & 4 2100cc injectors. We ran the car @ 900awhp to a best of 9.1? @ 160. The car could have gone high 8's on that pass but one of the bov was starting to come apart & the car lost 10 psi up top causing the power to drop off. AEM still has that slow cranking start. I think they fixed the loosing maps issues they were having because we haven't seen it happening with customers cars anymore. As long as you choose a stand-a-lone with the options you want @ the price you want to pay, you'll be alright. We have traction control, boost by speed, launch control & don't require an additional/piggyback ignition system.

When the car comes back out this year, it will have 8ea 2100cc injectors, dry sump, beefed up rearend, a Shep PPG dog box & a few hundred more horsepower. Even though it was initially setup for Nitrous, we haven't ran it with spray yet. It's a straight 2.0L.


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2008
32159, FL
Ugh what is your big hang up on auto trans control? Gvr4 never came with autos and if you wan't to keep the pissing match going please feel free to pm me because the bickering is killing the op's thread.

Quoting 3of1000:
I never post in tech section unless I have first hand knowledge of something that I know will be beneficial to the discussion but I have to ask the OP, one of your comments you mentioned you are not technical savy so you will let someone else explain the badassery of such and such ems. My question is this, what is your goal for your car that you cannot reach with a more simple system like ECMTuning (formerly dsmlink)? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif

Why the need to jump to a complete stand alone such as autronic, pro efi or aem, all of which are above your head and probably overkill unless you are building a full out race car.

building a full out race carno im not building an all out race car but close. yes it may be overkill but i like to have rather than have not. this goes with anything i do. for example i own a $2000 bass guitar and over 1000 watt amp and i don't play in a band, i have a 55" led tv thats in a room that measures 12'x 12' because it was a few hundred bucks more than a 40", i have a 7' monitor lizard, i only drink top shelf liquor, the list goes on and on. if im gonna spend money on something it will most likely be the best of the best. i didn't go and buy an ems on a whim, i posted here first for some insight because on this subject I AM OUT OF MY LEAGUE. as for my goals, im looking to break the 9sec mark in my full weight street vr4.

thank you. of course everyone is going to have their opinion so i figured i would take bits and pieces to do some research on and formulate my own. i may not be all that savvy when it comes to tuning an engine that does not mean my car doesn't deserve it! what system are you running #3? Quoting 3rdstrikedsm:
Ugh what is your big hang up on auto trans control? Gvr4 never came with autos and if you wan't to keep the pissing match going please feel free to pm me because the bickering is killing the op's thread.


Quoting VR-4 Whore:
Quoting 3of1000:
I never post in tech section unless I have first hand knowledge of something that I know will be beneficial to the discussion but I have to ask the OP, one of your comments you mentioned you are not technical savy so you will let someone else explain the badassery of such and such ems. My question is this, what is your goal for your car that you cannot reach with a more simple system like ECMTuning (formerly dsmlink)? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif

Why the need to jump to a complete stand alone such as autronic, pro efi or aem, all of which are above your head and probably overkill unless you are building a full out race car.

building a full out race carno im not building an all out race car but close. yes it may be overkill but i like to have rather than have not. this goes with anything i do. for example i own a $2000 bass guitar and over 1000 watt amp and i don't play in a band, i have a 55" led tv thats in a room that measures 12'x 12' because it was a few hundred bucks more than a 40", i have a 7' monitor lizard, i only drink top shelf liquor, the list goes on and on. if im gonna spend money on something it will most likely be the best of the best. i didn't go and buy an ems on a whim, i posted here first for some insight because on this subject I AM OUT OF MY LEAGUE. as for my goals, im looking to break the 9sec mark in my full weight street vr4.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif Calm down there Mr. most interesting man in the world dos equis beer guy. Just wondering why you thought you needed to jump straight to the top dog stuff. I was not trying to offend you. If you are as pimp as you say you are and you want the best then get a motec or pro efi and skip all the inferior stuff.




Well-known member
Mar 3, 2010
At the end of the day, the OP needs to sit down and figure out what you need/want and then pick an ECU that is right for you. Until then, all everyone else is basically almost irrelevant because we don't know what he wants so we don't know what is a priority feature wise and what isn't.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2010
Anchorage, AK
Quoting alansupra94:
At the end of the day, the OP needs to sit down and figure out what you need/want and then pick an ECU that is right for you. Until then, all everyone else is basically almost irrelevant because we don't know what he wants so we don't know what is a priority feature wise and what isn't.


i didnt take offense harry, just letting you know what im about and why i was shooting so high. i know my need can be met with AEM but i also know there is better in my price range.
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