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Rota wheels

You did not offend by saying that you would prefer Rota's, you offended by sayign that "REAL" tuners wouldn't use rotas, and that you made a ton of money selling "sh*t".

If you would have said that you prefer other brands over rota's, I would have had no problem. Instead, you managed to imply that people who used rota's are simply hackers and ricers that don't have the know how or money to do it right. That is simply not the case.

It doesn't matter much to me, as I know what I have and that it works well. I wouldn't imagine flaming other people for hack-job rims or anything on there car (short of PVC intercooler piping and the such.)


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2008
I dunno man. I'm 30 yrs old and been doin this sh*t since I was 18. Wen rotas came out they were a laughing stock to me and people I were tuning cars with. These shits came out with the fast and furious hype and I never gave the company any respect. Not sure how old u are but people that have been the game as long as I have can relate. Just bias I guess. But I have never seen a quality rim fuk up like the one of the rota posted.
(Was a little drunk wen I wrote this lol...don't know why I drink and type!)
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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
Wgtn, NZ
But I have never seen a quality rim fuk up like the one of the rota posted.

Really? I've seen pics of Gramlights (made by Volk/Rays) with similar damage on a bent D1GP car.

For that matter I've seen magnesium speedline wheels on a subaru WRC car in the same state.

I've also seen cheap wheels do the same thing after taking a hammering over ripple strips.

Without knowing exactly what happened it's wrong to point the finger at (supposedly) poor quality wheels - I suspect it's unlikely the wheels just failed under normal driving conditions.
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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
Wgtn, NZ
I've also seen SSR wheel (again a reputable brand) which must;ve taken a big hit because as well as denting the rim it had bent the centre of the wheel - not enough to be visible to the naked eye, but all to clear when it was put on a balancing machine.

Jeez... all I can say is do a little research man.... Rota started manufacturing wheels in 1980, long before the "Fast and Furious" Hype. If I had to guess, I would say that rota started spending more money on advertising and shipping wheels here when everyone went nutballs over F&F.

Or maybe.... you only started paying attention to tuner cars after watching F&F and thus think that all companies started around that time.... RICER!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif j/k


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2008
Yea I was drunk typing again last /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Well I'm curious to see what weel rota made in 1980. I thought they were a new company (2000?). I just like the real deal that's all. I was always used to using name brand companies like momo,racing hart, ac schnitzer,... sh*t in 1996 I was into vw's and all I saw were momo and tsw at the old waterfest's... Never saw a company copy a rim b4 so I thought it was weird to see it happen but that's just me...

Well best of luck and happy new year (leaving on my high horse now lol). /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banana

Really? I've seen pics of Gramlights (forged wheels made by Volk/Rays) with similar damage on a bent D1GP car.

For the sake of correction, Gramlights are not forged, they are cast. Only the Volk line of wheels made by Rays is forged(CE28,TE37, RE30 etc.). Any other wheel made by Rays Engineering is cast.

I think it is also worth mentioning that buying a quality wheel does not make it immune from the laws of physics. I've had 3 piece Racing Hart C5's bend when I hit a pothole hard enough and I've 3 piece SSR SP1's bend when I hit a curb pulling into a mall entrance and I wasn't paying attention /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif.



Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
Wgtn, NZ
of course, edited.

That was exactly the point I was trying to make, unless there were air bubbles/impurities or flaws in the metal (which you'd need better pictures of the failure area to see) you can't blame the quality of the wheel for the damage shown.
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