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OMG smoke! *update-back together*


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2001
Yakima, WA
I pulled the turbo tonight. Looks like that's definitely the culprit. Exhaust ports were dry. Turbo exhaust outlet was super wet, as was the inside of the compressor housing. The shaft doesn't have any irregular play, and zero in-out play. What causes the seals to go like this?

Here are a couple of poor pics showing how wet with oil this thing is:

Sooty exhaust ports, but dry:

BTW, this turbo had the section between the wastgate passage and turbine outlet ported away. Weird.

Hopefully I get this thing back on the road soon so I can have some fun in the snow. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2005
Clogged oil feed or drain? I'd replace the feed and clean the drain to be safe.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2002
Asheville, NC USA
If the valve cover vents (PCV or other) have condensation in them and it freezes and cloggs the vents, the crank case pressure will build and that pressure will push oil around the seals in the turbo. Check and make sure the two vent lines aren't clogged.

You've got some turbo seals to do.

+1 on rally driving in the snow, we just got 16" in Maine.

I've done this a few times on turbo that just blew the seals, no wheel damage or anything.

You usually do not need to re-balance if this is the case on a beater 16g like this.

Good luck, maybe if not some snows on 1051? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2001
Yakima, WA
I checked the drain when I pulled it off and it was fine. As far as the valve cover breathers, even if frozen they wouldn't have caused an issue like this at idle.

I'm picking up a used Evo3 16g.


Turn Right Racing
Staff member
Mar 5, 2001
What do I win? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

And don't say a used, leaky 14B.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2001
Yakima, WA
Quoting iceman69510:
What do I win? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

And don't say a used, leaky 14B.

How about a used leaky 16g? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hsugh.gif

Nice work, Ice. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2001
Yakima, WA

Finally got the car back together with the Evo3 16g I bought from 89coltgt. Had to wait on some parts from the dealer and the turbo and with the weather we had a couple weeks ago shipping companies were running behind. Anyway, the car seems to be fine now. Had to deal with some smoke blowing out from all the residual oil in the exhaust from the old turbo blowing the seals, but I took a long drive and it's back to normal.

Looks like I need to readjust boost, as it's going over 20psi now. With the old turbo it was steady at 18psi. I'll turn it down a bit.

I also replaced all the coolant hoses while I was in there, as well as all the little seals and gaskets needed to be done when replacing a turbo. I replaced the little crush washers on the oil drain tube from the turbo. Looks like those ones had been on there for waaaaay too many R&R's, which would explain why it was leaking. I don't understand why so many people think those are reusable. They're soft and fall apart if crushed too many times. If they were a normal washer, they wouldn't do that. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif

Also, this car has a 4bolt rear with 4WS delete, but whoever removed the rear steering left the old fluid lines on the car. I yanked those out while I had the car on jackstands. I forgot what a pain in the ass that was. I did that to 1051 back in '03 and remember it being a shitty job, but that car was pretty clean by then. I had dirt and debris flying off the underbody and into my eyes the whole damn time on this one /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rant2.gif . Had to break out the Dremel to cut the things so I could get them around the suspension in the rear and out from between the firewall and subframe in the front. They also still made a mess on the garage floor with a bunch of fluid still in them. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif

Anyway, it's good to have my ski car back up and running. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Glad to see it was just the turbo and nothing internal /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/applause.gif


Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
KC, Missouri
The first blown turbo I had, I had a bunch of oil in my exhaust too when it was back up and running. I remember because I pulled up to a stoplight on it's first trip out and this lady pulls up next to me in a BMW with her baby in the back seat and yelled "you need a new muffler!" and rolled up her windows and took off. What a bia....

Don't you love it when women think they know what they are talking about lol. Totally kidding on that comment.
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