Oh snap, deep digging into google just yeilded this info from DSMTalk:
""The type of tranny is listed first, followed by a general tranny ID # (the "_"
before and the "__" after the ID can vary), followed by an example or
US spec TEL, 90 -> _w5m332np__, e.g. kw5m332npzs (unk casing #);
_w5m332npzs, mh8095
US spec TEL, 91 -> _w5m332np__, e.g. kw5m332npxv (unk casing #
US spec TEL, 92 -> ???
US spec TEL, 93 -> ???
US spec TEL, 94 -> ???
US spec GVR4, 91 -> _w5m332nq__, e.g. _w5m332nqbm, kx9091
US spec GVR4, 92 -> ???
Evo III -> ???
Evo II -> ???
Evo I -> ???
JDM (Aus) GVR4, type unk -> _w5m332nq__, e.g. _w5m332nqzk (unk casing
JDM (Aus) GVR4, 91 -> _w5m332nq__, e.g. _w5m332nqzk, Lh6282
JDM GVR4, year unk -> _w5m332nq__, e.g. _w5m332nqzk, ma6822
JDM (Aus) GVR4 Evo, year unk -> c51ph, e.g. c51ph, ?x9766
JDM GVR4, year unk -> c51ph, e.g. c51ph, hL4285; c51ph, sd7177
unk spec GVR4 RS, year unk -> _w5m332wq__, e.g. _w5m332wqge, qn6866;
_w5m332wqnk, Lp0399
unk origin (E39 VR4 written on it) -> _w5m332nr__, e.g.
JDM ZR4, 89 -> c51ph, e.g. c51ph, hk9717
JDM ZR4, 88 -> c51ph, e.g. c51ph, cL0845""