Try this when you do a boost leak test. Worked for me every time.
If you do a boost leak test with any piston near top or bottom dead center, you will always have one cylinder where both intake and exhaust valves are open (overlap). Turn the engine to 90 degrees before or after TDC (all pistons halfway down). This will have the intake valves closed in 3 cylinders. The other cylinder will have the intake valves open but the exhaust valves will be closed.
Probably, the easiest way to find 90* ATDC is to remove the top timing belt cover, line up cam sprocket timing marks (by hand, with a 1/2" ratchet in the crankshaft bolt), mark the exhaust cam 6 teeth up from the stock timing mark and mark the intake cam 6 teeth down. Then line up the 2 marks you just made.
Is your FIAC blocked off? If not, with a cold engine, you will have a direct path around your throttle plate along with the ISC & BISS screw. I always test with the throttle plate held open with a piece of wood between the gas pedal and the steering wheel