Quoting turbowop:
I think I used the same blank rotors on 503 when I did its brakes. Unfortunately, without a coating on the non-friction surfaces, they got rusty and ugly real fast. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif When I put new rear rotors on 1051 not long ago, I purchased some that had a black coating on all non-friction surfaces. So far, so good.
Hey Mark! Dangit, I need more time to do more detail work. I painted the non-friction surfaces on my old turbo Miata rotors and they stayed perfect, no rust at all. Regarding the VR-4, I saw the ones with the black coating online and didn't get them for some reason. Not sure if they were sold out or the description was lacking, but I passed on them. Thanks for telling me about these. I have zero miles on my new rotors as of now, but ripping them off to paint them sounds about as much fun as hitting myself in the nizz-uts with a whiffle ball bat.