After a few weeks of chatting with members of the board, I changed all of my drivetrain fluids with Even (EHMotorsports) last Friday, and here are the results. I suppose sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
What I did before-hand:
talked with everyone here
adjusted the clutch pedal using the online video instructions
checked for clutch play - found no lateral movement and no play when pulling the pedal up
checked the MC bolts - fine
checked the folk range of movement (thanks, Evan) - fine
checked the bell housing bolts (thanks, Evan) - tight, no movement
Drained out the old fluid. There was definitely synchro in the transmission fluid (which appeared to be old Redline RT-90). It looked like what you would expect with a 40,000mi. transmission (time since rebuild). Refilled with 100% Diaqueen Mitsu fluid.
Drained out the transfercase fluid. Also looked like Redline Light Shockproof or some variant and came out dirty, but not surprisingly so. Replaced with Redline Heavy Shockproof.
Drained out the diff fluid. This looked more like transmission fluid, but I'm sure it's whatever it was supposed to be. This fluid looked new. Unfortunately, the fill bolt was not, and had been rounded out by some genius who I'm guessing decided that since the bolt was rounded out, it would be a good idea to just slam it back in using an impact tool. Getting this bolt off was a BITCH.
And the gold star here goes to Evan, who machined down the lip of a 24mm socket so that it would clear the housing around the bolt better, worked on the bolt until it broke free, then pulled the bolt off his old diff. (he just did a 4-bolt swap, so thank goodness for that), sandblasted it, primed it and slapped it on.
I put Redline Heavy Shockproof in the rear diff.
after all of this, the shifting is much better. Still a bit notchy on the gears that were grinding before, but still a HUGE improvement. My best guess at this point is that the transmission was rebuilt, but the fluid wasn't changed after the break-in period. I'm certain that the synchros will need to be replaced one of these days, but that day is not soon.
Thanks to everyone who shared their experience and input and much thanks to EHMotorsports for volunteering a shop and an afternoon to help me out. I hope he enjoyed the tasty, rare beers I brought him!