Hokay, so I flipped my UICP around and rerouted my recirc tube, so hopefully I won't run into problems of splitting the tube anymore.
Since the trims were within the ECU limits of being able to compensate I didn't bother to change them. Instead, I actually swapped out the 880s and tried putting the 1000cc injectors back in. For some reason I would lose the number one cylinder on the 880s. So I put the 1000cc in, this time I set my deadtime for 360uS. I guess the 450 value was wrong for these injectors. Low fuel trim is at 81%, so I could probably pull back a little more deadtime (1 or 2 hex), but it's within the limits of the ECU, so I'm happy with that for now. Although now I understand what octane reset does (at least I think I do). Each time I shut the car off and turn back on the fuel trims reset to 100%, so I either need to remove the octane reset or dial in the trims a little better.
The idle is better, but still temperamental. Most times I start it will want to die out: idles at 800rpm, and then slowly drops until it shuts off. Other times I'll start it and it will start to idle at 937rpm and then I get idle surge to about 1531rpm. The idle surge kind of leads me to believe I have an issue with a vacuum leak, but the fact that it's not consistent has me scratching my head. During the surging the ISC shows 0 counts on the logger, and I can turn the BISS all the way in, and still be surging from 1000 to 1500 rpm. If I adjust the CAS to be less than 5 deg BTDC the surging will go away.
Looking at the logs nothing really jumps out at me. ISC is 0 (for the most part) at idle, airflow seems to coincide with rpm, throttle position reads 9.02% closed up to 100% fully open. Noticed the injector pulsewidth goes to 0 at around 1500rpm and comes back on when it drops to about 1200rpm when surging.
I guess the next step for me is to replace the BISS and check for any other intake leaks. I guess I should get my downpipe fitted for a wideband O2 sensor as well. Is there anything else I should be looking for? BTW, I believe my throttlebody is from a 90 NT DSM, if that makes any difference to you guys. Coolant lines are hooked up.
Edit: I failed to mention, that when it won't even idle at 800rpm if I blip the throttle and let the rpms fall it will shut off. If it's surging and I blip the throttle it will actually catch before rpms fall too low and stay running. Also, the exhaust fumes make my eyes sting. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bawling.gif