Quoting MellowVR4:
So, When I wanna add fuel do I just go to the fuel settings and add % on the RPM'S which im running lean on? That would be the obvious I think /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif
You could add fuel by changing the appropriate hertz sliders or you can add fuel by using the fuel sliders. You should really focus on one problem at a time, I don't know what your timing looks like but if you load up 2g maps you should be fine load the octane and timing tables. You can also lower your boost to see if the knock with go away so you don't have to mess with the tune. What wideband are you using and how old is it!
It sounds like your wide band is going bad that would be your 1st problem to fix in my book. No more WOT pulls until you figure it out, I have an AEM wideband and the symptoms your describing is the exact thing my wideband was doing.
I purchased a new wideband and it fixed the problem the car runs ten times better, for what it's worth I'm using narrow band simulation with my wideband.