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Just some new broad.


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
Quoting boostedinaz:
This couldnt be any less true. Wops car is a well built example of a GVR4. Mikes car on the other is a cobbled together mess that is in no way shape or form a nice GVR4.

Quoting boostedinaz:

I know Mike is making a website to chronicle his journey with #3 and hopefully people will be inspired by that. It will truly be a nice GVR4 (not some homie hook up respray junk) when it is done. I'll see if in the next few days I can get some pics I have and post them up.

Quoting boostedinaz:

In no way shape or form is Mike's Galant on the same level as Wops. I'll leave it at that.

It almost seems like you don't like Mike? Are you going to get a T-shirt or something?


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2013
Arizona USSA
Boostedinaz is merely pointing out that Wop's car and Mike V's car are not really on the same level, and though he might not have conveyed that as eloquently as he could have, I believe many would agree.

However, that doesn't remove the fact that Mike V is still passionate about his galant and his enthusiasm on this site and in the real world demonstrate that. Passionate as he may be, it doesn't make up for experience in mechanics which Wop has over Mike V.

Back to new broad with pretty eyes thread.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013
Ontario Canada
To me Mark's car is a benchmark of a well put together Vr4. I really don't think his car is better then some other Vr4's that have been built by other members.
But then he has had his car for what 16 years or something? If you have your car for that long it should be damn clean.....

As for Mike's car I like it but his choice of rim kill it for me and those fugly ass boostX lip /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif But then his car has come very far in the past few years.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
Quoting Wookalar:
Boostedinaz is merely pointing out that Wop's car and Mike V's car are not really on the same level, and though he might not have conveyed that as eloquently as he could have, I believe many would agree.

Quoting boostedinaz:

Mikes car on the other is a cobbled together mess that is in no way shape or form a nice GVR4.

I know some of yall dont like him (Mike) and yes its fun to poke fun at him. But, this isnt saying what you're thinking he's trying to say.

Mike car isn't on the same level. Wheels and front lip is dook.
But boostedass is saying the car isnt nice (in any way shape or form) and is a cobbled together mess.
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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2013
Seattle, WA
Quoting 89Patches:
To me Mark's car is a benchmark of a well put together Vr4. I really don't think his car is better then some other Vr4's that have been built by other members.
But then he has had his car for what 16 years or something? If you have your car for that long it should be damn clean.....

As for Mike's car I like it but his choice of rim kill it for me and those fugly ass boostX lip /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif But then his car has come very far in the past few years.

I saw him asking about RPF1s in the for sale section... that would be gangster.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2001
Yakima, WA
I've had my car since '98. But my car as a "project" has been on cruise control since about '06. Other than a couple new items each year since, I've been content with it and leave it mostly as is.

Obviously Mike and I are extremely different people and have different trains of thought when it comes to the build of our cars. He and I also have different goals for our cars. I think I just take a much more logical approach to my build, and the fact that I do my own wrenching probably helps me with prioritizing certain modifications because I know better what to expect from each new part or modification. My attention to detail probably stems from my extreme OCD as well. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif

It's nice to hear that people have been inspired by my car and I hope that continues throughout the years as I continue to modify it, albeit at a much slower pace than Mike's. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2005
Quoting fuel:
Quoting BpuVR4:
Quoting 89Mirageman:
Check out Fuel's car, it looks like a time warp back to the early 90's when these things were still new.

hands down my favorite VR4 on our board, that thing is uber clean/simple.

awwwwhhh shucks

i put your car up there w Wop's, Gizmo's monster and the mystery of #3 for inspiration level for myself personally.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013
Ontario Canada
Quoting turbowop:
I've had my car since '98. But my car as a "project" has been on cruise control since about '06. Other than a couple new items each year since, I've been content with it and leave it mostly as is.

Obviously Mike and I are extremely different people and have different trains of thought when it comes to the build of our cars. He and I also have different goals for our cars. I think I just take a much more logical approach to my build, and the fact that I do my own wrenching probably helps me with prioritizing certain modifications because I know better what to expect from each new part or modification. My attention to detail probably stems from my extreme OCD as well. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif

It's nice to hear that people have been inspired by my car and I hope that continues throughout the years as I continue to modify it, albeit at a much slower pace than Mike's. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

That's the reason why I think so many people like your car is because it's well rounded and is setup very well for the amount of power you put down. Not like other cars that are good in only a few aspects but lack in so many others. Also it's very rare for a owner to be content with what he has and not always wanting more but finalizing small pieces to make the overall car better! That's what I admire about you & your car /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Is it just me or lately almost every thread that gets started, A 1051 vs 550 argument gets started as well /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2006
Scottsdale, AZ
Quoting Turbro_Negro:
I think Mike car is very nice.

I would like to know what aspects of Mike's car you think are very nice? If you could be specific I would appreciate it.

Keep in mind his shiny paint job was a "homie hook up" as he said and has orange peel like crazy. Most homie hooks ups I've seen use cheap materials and are no better than a 500.00 Maaco job. He has a 35R hanging off an Ebay manifold being controlled by an ebay waste gate. The Bullfab parts had to be fixed and still block the oil drain. His exhaust is simply a DP made from stainless that wasn't back purged when welded. He has stainless button head fasters holding on the dented an unpainted oil pan. I believe he is on built motor number 3 and as it currently sits it makes 260 at the wheels. I will say his period correct cams gears that are nice especially set at 0.

Quoting Turbro_Negro:
How long has Mike had his car vs Mark?
His car isn't as nice but it's still nicer than most.

You bring up a good point. Mike's car has been has Marks. Mike has had a few turbos the same goes for Mark. Miie's car has a built motor....Marks is stock. My point is that if you look at what Mike has done to his car it is on par if not more modded than Marks. The HUGE difference is in the attention to detail Mark has put into his car.

Let me ask you a question. What has Mike done to his car that is nicer than the typical DSM? Is it possible that Mike's car IS the typical DSM? A bunch of thrown together parts with no real plan that all under perform and have a general sense of clutter and lack attention to detail.

Quoting GSTwithPSI:
It almost seems like you don't like Mike? Are you going to get a T-shirt or something?

You are correct. I am not a fan.

Quoting Turbro_Negro:

But boostedass is saying the car isnt nice (in any way shape or form) and is a cobbled together mess.

Here is the best way I can sum up Mike's car. It's Kim Kardashian. There is 0 reason she should be famous but based simply on over exposure she has turned mediocrity into fame. Mike has done the exact same thing here and so many have fallen for it. I can think of a handful of cars that are FAR nicer and well put together than Mikes. Bob Doles car, #3, Banzeg, James Foster, etc yet not a single one of them was mentioned as a nice Galant. Based simply on Mike pushing his car all over the internet he get's mentioned along side 1051. Think about it.

Now on to the real reason his car fires me up so much. The couple of people I mentioned above have very nice cars. They spend time repainting parts, refinishing hardware, picking out parts that work together as a system and most importantly they take great pride in what they have done. When Mike's car gets compared or over shadows truly nice cars it is disrespectful to those people. In my opinion it's a slap in the face to people like Mark who take pride in the cars they build and the time they invested. Those cars should be celebrated and used as bench marks for the rest of the community to strive for, not some half ass thrown together pile that is simply in your face 24/7.

You can call me an ass if you like but I think I hit the nail on the head.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2013
Seattle, WA
Only a matter of time until my car is thrown to the dogs and ripped to pieces!

Gasp, modified 1g exhaust, clear coat peeling, stock everything? Crush ittttttttt


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2006
Scottsdale, AZ
My car is pretty beat as well. The difference is that I don't post 42 pics of it every day nor do I claim it to be anything other than a 10 footer.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2013
Seattle, WA
Now now, I wouldn't say my car is beat by any means. Asshole!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I just been spending all my time on maintenance and not mods really. Yet. Maybe in a decade it will be the last one left still rockin it.


Mar 29, 2014
Cleveland, Oh
Sounds like my plan will be to have a perfect one so no one can say Kardashian at me. I can't stand those broads, even if they are kinda hot. Sometimes.


Staff member
Apr 18, 2008
Arlington, Tx
Alright, what I did miss. Hey, welcome to the board. I saw you correct yourself on the "dsm" thing. Most say the exact phrase that you said on their initial introduction. There are a few other female owners but I've only seen them post up on FB. BTW, your car doesn't need to be perfect, it's just that you put effort and use quality parts with function in mind. Most of us older folks are gearheads and mechanics and we tend to wrench on our own cars. Some of us have learned from wrenching on our own cars. It's just a matter of how dedicated you are towards your car. That's why you see some of the guys react as they have.

Some of us are assholes.....but don't let that deter you...ask as many questions and we will gladly give you the best info. There is a great introduction one of the guys made...I will post it up but good luck and I hope to see some pics of your car.....
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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2011
Cherry Hill, NJ
Juan seriously, where have i been the last 3 pages. that really escalated fast. goes from a nice lady introducing her self to the 1051/550 internet special olympics.

so anyway, welcome to the board and i hope you stick around for a while, lately ive been seeing people join and then never come back.

take your time finding the right car, if you find it on CL make sure you ask on here before even looking at it(someone on here will probably know a bit of its history), make sure you know where the rust spots on these cars are so you know exactly where to look when you go see a car, make sure you know about the few hidden bolts to make sure there there(cough tranny bolt cough) and of course this is the most important, your driving a turbo SMILE!

im not 100% sure on your skill level, but were all generally nice here, ask a question and we will respond. if someone gives you advise and you don't take it or at least have a reason for not taking it, people will give you sh*t. for the most part people who contribute to tech or i need help post have done it before, so its usually not an opinion its a fact. also the search button and google search are your best friends.

LIV4PSI is in your area(OHIO), i suggest getting in touch with him and becoming friends. he has lots of parts and knows his stuff about these cars.
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