Im going through the proper channels of refunding you instead of sending you a new payment like you want me to so im protecting myself as a seller so you dont just turn around and get your money back twice for the same transaction because i didnt push the "refund" button and do it correctly. There should be no more posts in here from you until the 30th if you feel like saying you got your money back because thats all there is to say. Incase you were curious and so i can tell you your wrong again i didnt spend your money i withdrew it with my paypal debit as i do at the end of every business day. Truth be told i dont even have a checking account linked to my paypal so i have NO CLUE why it wont do anything back to you but an E check which is why i was on the phone with paypal in the first place to please you which i see again doesnt matter in public but in pm's is a whole differnt story again right /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/uhh.gif