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Jdm bumper covers a huge portion of the ETS intercooler any one mod it>?


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
In a van down by the river, Iowa
I've seen Justins (galant1517) car in person, as far as originality I think EVERYONE here needs a lesson in that, and some god damn manners.

WTH is wrong with all of you? Bag on yourselves for having JSB cars for years, Bag on yourselves for hating anything that someone does and you don't agree with.

I can say its something I wouldn't do but, he did it, he had the courage to do it with a potential gain in mind.

I could care less to have met a good chunk of this board as most need a better lesson in mannerism.

I'm ashamed to have to deal with the type of critisim on this board. Grow up.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2001
Yakima, WA
If you can't handle criticism, good or bad, don't post sh*t on the internet for your peers to comment on. Manners, lol. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif We don't need to grow up, you need to grow some thicker skin.


Apr 30, 2006
now now kiddies, play nice!

Diego, your loyalty is to be commended, and yeah, some of the comments people make are _uneccessary_ ...

... but it's not like anyone has said "damn, can that thing eat corn on the cob thru a barbed wire fence?"...

Or anything like that.

... ooops ...

Guess I just did. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif

Point is, I know he learned fromm the experience and will probably think twice before breaking out the sawzall in the future.

He will also probably find a way to optimise what's left with some flexible plastic or some such and come out ahead of the game.

Untill then, well he may get hazed a bit by the some folks in the peanut gallery.

It's unfortunate, but it's the way the world works.

From what I've seen of Justin, he can take it. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2001
Yakima, WA
Quoting Diego:
^ your not god. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

And that's supposed to mean?


Apr 30, 2006
I think what Diego is trying to say is who are we to judge?

I have to agree with that.

Who are we to judge?

That mod (in it's present state) is not my style, but I bet he gets it straightened out soon enough.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2001
Yakima, WA
Who's judging? We made comments based on our opinions.

And for what it's worth, I think Justin handled the criticism about his bumper better than Diego did.
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Alright, here's my two cents.

On the board in general:
For a seemingly tight knit community, and by many accounts "the best automotive forum on the 'net", we sure do like to beat each other down. There always seems to be the same list of players doing the "beating" as well. Much of what is said during these "beatings" would come across as constructive if only it were reworded, however, it rarely appears as though anyone give more than two seconds thought to their posts. This will always lead to anger and confusion because it is extremely difficult to portray emotion in writing, and one person's joke/heckle is read by another as "fighting words". Maybe take more time to make sure you are properly conveying your message, and many of these spitting matches will subside.

As for my bumper, BFD if no one likes it. I find it incredibly funny that all of the haters keep laying it on me. Jealousy is a stinky cologne! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif

And John, I don't think I'll ever learn my lesson with a sawzall. Just holding one gives me a chubby. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif

I do plan on going back and revisiting my bumper at a later date. It has proven to be too light weight and the panels have too much flex. Unless I find a JDM cover, however, it is going to stay. In my book it is always FUNCTION > FORM. If I have the time and money to have both I will, but that just isn't always the case. Is my shroud functional? Yes. Could it look better? Yes.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
Near Seattle, Washington
Quoting Diego:
I've seen Justins (galant1517) car in person, as far as originality I think EVERYONE here needs a lesson in that, and some god damn manners.

Many of our cars have personal touches which set them apart from the crowd. As for a lesson in unique, i see where you are coming from. There is such a thing as "tasteless" mods though.

Quoting Diego:

WTH is wrong with all of you? Bag on yourselves for having JSB cars for years, Bag on yourselves for hating anything that someone does and you don't agree with.

Why the f*** do you think some of us have had sigs that show what state our car is in? Some have even said something along the lines of "JSB CRU". It's funny to me that you post this with what is seemingly some sort of sardonic demeanor, yet you're actually just stating fact. We DO "bag on ourselves for having JSB cars for years"! We do not however, collectively bag on ourselves for expressing what appears to be the popular opinion on completely tasteless mods, or alterations to these rare cars that are quite obviously in bad taste.

Quoting Diego:

I can say its something I wouldn't do but, he did it, he had the courage to do it with a potential gain in mind.

If it was a LeMons car, i could see this being done. It's a gvr4, and he's posted it on "THE" gvr4 forum. Not some shitbox LeMons forum. You just said yourself that you would not do the same mod. Clearly you also understand it to be in poor taste.

Quoting Diego:

I could care less to have met a good chunk of this board as most need a better lesson in mannerism.

You COULD care less. Great. How much DO you care to meet a good chunk of this board?
After this thread, i have doubts about some of us caring ANY less about meeting you. Good luck.

Quoting Diego:

I'm ashamed to have to deal with the type of critisim on this board. Grow up.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/iough.gif click
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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2007
Any comments on a bigger opening that fits intercooler flush and keeps the whole lip looking nice...... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
Near Seattle, Washington
I got mine flush on top and bottom. The fascia is better aligned now, but i would still like to put some discreet type of shroud around each side.


If i'd cut the fascia myself, i would have left a bit of material in front, including the slats that go across. Unfortunately, i bought the car with an already hacked front bumper/fascia.

With all due respect mitsuturbo, Diego is simply defending my right to mod my car in the manner the I see fit. If you don't like how it was done or that it was even done at all (and it is VERY clear that you don't, as you stated it three times) that is fine. That is your OPINION. Everyone has different TASTE, and just because a person doesn't like broccoli doesn't mean the rest of the world has the right to flame said individual over and over and over again because they all do. I've already said BFD if you all don't like my shroud, but diego is right.

Quoting onesickcrx:
Any comments on a bigger opening that fits intercooler flush and keeps the whole lip looking nice...... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif

I am truly sorry your thread has been jacked in this way. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif
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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
Near Seattle, Washington
Quoting turbowop:
My bumper covers a ton of my intercooler, but I really don't see gaining anything noticeable and at the expense of making my bumper look hacked. I'm sure the parts that aren't getting hit by direct airflow are still wicking away heat from the charge air.

I'd be inclined to agree. I'd think that enough flow out through a portion of the back of the ic would cause vacuum at the shrouded part of the front of the fmic and it would still see *some* airflow. Also, aluminum dissipates and disperses heat pretty well. It's going to soak the limited bit of extra heat out to the endtanks and other vanes. Although, with that being said.. i did make my FMIC decision based on the front orifice. I bought something not much larger than the opening, that i thought would support my goals.

And I got my intercooler for free, built my piping out of a free piping kit, and run a BOV that I got for free. If I had the funds at the time, I would've gone a different route, but I didn't, and am working with what I have.
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