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Injector Size

So I've dropped in a 255 LPH pump and i'm looking to get injectors, KD Chip, SAFC, and EVO MAS installed all at once, What size does anyone reccomend? I'm going to be going with a bigger turbo soon so i want something that can handle over 23 PSI. I was thinking PTE 1000cc injectors with a KD chip to compensate. After that i'd add the SAFC to fine tune. What does anyone else think about this? Any imput would be greatly welcomed. Thanks


I think you should go with the PTE 1000cc. I have a Supra pump (260lph), AFPR - which you will need with a big fuel pump like that - a 3G MAS (identical to EVO) - and DSMLink. You can go with the chip and SAFC if you like. I really like my DSMLink and love to promote it. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

Also - is the 255 a high pressure or not?

no it is not a high pressure pump, will that still be able to handle the 1000 cc injectors?

First, there is no such thing as "PTE 1000cc" injectors. Its marketing hype. Delphi calls the injectors "95 lb" injectors, which when converted to cc's by multiplying X 10.5 = 997.5cc. BUT...they lie. Anyone who actually gets a set flowed will tell you that they actually flow between 920cc and 950cc at most. I believe Delphi must flow test their injectors at some higher base fuel pressure, like 49 psi, not the industry standard 43.5 psi where everyone else rates them.
Second, the FIC 950's are the exact same Delphi injector, and I give free shipping on them if you get them with a chip or upgrade. I also correct the chip as close as I can for the *real* flow they have been tested for.
Third, even with a stroker at 23 psi the standard Walbro should be fine, as long as you keep the base fuel pressure at the stock 36.3 psi, and you should probably also rewire to be safe. Non-rewired with 950's at 36.3 psi and 23 lbs of boost you will be good to ~75% Duty Cycle. Rewired you would be good to ~92% Duty Cycle. I think that either one is well beyond what you will be seeing with those huge injectors @ 23 lbs of boost, but I may be wrong.

Do you sell the FIC 1000's? I would love to pic up a set of these and it'd be nice to get it with the ECU and have the chip set up for it. If so let me know how much. Thanks.

As I said in the last post, there are no 1000cc injectors, except maybe the RC ones that they assemble themselves. FIC has 950cc, and then they also modify them to 1050cc or 1150cc. Contact me at for more info.
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