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How'd you meet your Gvr4.

I have seen a lot of stories about how we obtained our Gvr4s spread out through a couple of different threads so I thought I'd start one specificaly for them.

I'll start.

Though I worked at the dealer when they where new, I had only seen one or two before mine rolled in to Gregs, the shop where I was employed at the time. At first I didn't give it a second glance. customer had it towed in & said he was sure his wife had ruined another motor. I went out, tride to crank it over, heard some of the nastiest noises & noticed oil starting to run out from under it. so I stuck my head under the front saw the big ass hole in the oil pan, walked back in to inform the customer he was in fact correct.

after hearing the bad news he asked if one of us might be interested in it. I told him I'd look it over after work & give him a call to talk abot it, I still hadn't given the car enough of a look to realize what it was. Also it was this time of year so it was dark at four when it got there.

After the shop closed I grabbed a couple of the guys to help me push her in. this was when I started thinking something about this galant was different, I had honestly forgotten about the Gvr4's in the several years since I worked at mitsu, it was a bitch to push. once it was in the shop I noticed the badge on the trunk & started to get excited, racked her up & saw the all wheel drive, knew I had to have this car!!!

well, The owner of the shop walks in right as we're talking about it, heads back into the office & the next thing I know he comes back out & tell me he just talked to the customer & is going to buy it & turn it into a race car for the shop. I was shocked silent at this anouncement & very friggin pissed. well, Greg took off right after so it was a couple of days before I could corner him about the car. He jumped straight to asshole & started going off about how he is entitled to first dibs on any cars customers want to part with & if we don't like it.... The argument was long & loud, as I started loading up my my tools into my box & prepping it to be moved Gregs brother comes out & wants to know what it would take to keep me from leaving. I told him straight up A buck an hour & the title to the car, then turned back to loading up my stuff, though slower than before. Just as I'm ready to load my box in the truck Gregs brother comes back out & asks if I will accept fifty cents an hour & pay Greg the five hundred he'd pay'd for the car.

#825/2k had a new home & I got an unexpected raise, sometimes things just work out /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/cool.gif

she was rough when I got her,never been waxed, looked like their Irish setter had given birth in the back & had never been maintained But she only had 83k on the clock & was straight as well as rust free.



Well-known member
Jan 11, 2007
Aurora IL
For mine, we hired a new manager at my work, lady is maybe 55 years old, and she is driving this car. I didn't know a TON about it (am an early GM guy) but I knew it was significant....

I help her (I like to play a bit of car Zorro, help the helpless) with ECU caps, various odds & ends parts issues. When she can't drive it and takes it to a trans shop (she didn't want to ask me anymore to overdo it) they tell her new clutch. She sells it to me for blue book - clutch cost, $500.

One slave cylinder later, I'm on teh road. THen I find this site, which is teh best aftermarket feature available for the car. I would have given up long ago otherwise.

This used to be a stereo shop show car to boot - it still had an old but high-end amp, crossover, & speakers, very nicely installed, just needed a head unit. Man I love good stereo installs.

One of the local street racers had the car and was tearing up on the street with it. When it went down and he bought a 1g for weight/aerodynamics I bought the car. Downhill ever since.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2001
dirty jersey
old fat lady at my friend's work had a turbo go bad on her galant.
wait WTF?!?!?!interborang!
turbo galant? give me her number
it was a bad motor
that was 7 years ago, been driving it everyday since /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/smile.gif


Well-known member
May 29, 2004
Chico, CA
dark and dirty bar, she got me drunk, I took her home. she's been abusing me ever since.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2004
Cleveland, OH
/ubbthreads/images//graemlins/rofl.gif@ Momma Bear's story...

I had too many rotary ( /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/hsugh.gif) projects. One that was torn WAY apart, waiting on a whole mess of suspension goodies, rear end, etc.., and another that developed a cracked fuel rail (whodathunkit)and opted to point this out by means of smoke signals.

I had picked up a 20B prelude to DD that had thrown a timing belt. I still had my shop then, so $100 and some leftover OE parts from a build, and it was on the road. I fully intended to flip it, as I had next to nothing into it, and it was solid. I wanted to put the Prelude up and find another car when my all knowing business partner opted to help out with some final tweaking and forgot how to read a feeler gauge. 4 bent valves later, I realized that the Honda would run on 12 valves. I couldn't sell it at that point so I drove it for a good year, while contemplating another DD/toy.

The idea that I might be able to track down a VR4 crossed my mind, and I jumped on the computer. Low and behold, the day I looked, a local guy had put his up for sale. The car was listed for 3 hrs when I called, and I was the third caller! I met him at his work, took the car out for a drive, asked a billion questions (He had a retarded fast Omni, and planned DD it on race gas when the car was sold) and met up again the next night. I made an offer, and he accepted, but was going to replace the rear wheel bearings first, as he had the parts, and wantd to button up the 'noise'. before it traded hands. Well, the new bearings didn't fix the noise (wub wubs /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/crazy.gif), and we negotiated a new price, based on the delivery of a new (used) rear end to cure the problem. I took the car, and dude fell off the face of the earth.....Until he realized that he had included the shifter linkage from the Omni instead of the OE galant linkage in the sale.....I never called him back. /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/devil.gif
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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2007
Abilene Tx
^^ LMAO omni's are bad ass.

I wish i had a cool story about mine. only thing i have is a 6 year hunt for one that i could go get with out flying across the world. or one that was not so messed up it didnt look like a galant any more.

I just happened to notice this dude with a GVR4 somewhere on the interwebs and saw that he lived just 20 minutes from my house. So I sent him an e-mail stating how he should sell me the car. It was kind of a shot in the dark but he ended up being really cool and replied saying that he was actualy getting ready to sell it anyways... that was 3+ yrs ago. Kind of a 1 in a million thing


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2007
Saw one in 1998 Sport Compact Car October issue wanted it then never crossed my mind. My buddy has a 9sec talon and was always talking DSM ( YEAH I KNOW)anyways I moved to toronto for a year and bought a talon Loved it. When I moved back to Maryland I couldnt register it so I bought a colt and did the swap, before i could finish i sold it to the guy witht the talon.

6 Months later (New years 07) I ran into a Tech buddy of mine whos always "finding" deals on cars and he tells me he has a GVR4 so I ask and he says no.
I call him A week later and he says yes for $700 I told him ok he said I had a bad head and that was it (LOL)Turns out the oil pump crank didnt need 4 teeth.So almost a year later and 3500 plus in parts (Includes 2
Motors) and alot of frustration(another story) Im yet to even hear the car start but im close just need to plug up the harness and change the fluids and figure out the front mount and cross my finger.

But I love the Car anyways....


Turn Right Racing
Staff member
Mar 5, 2001
Coming home late one night, I spotted what looked familiar at the bar down the street from my house. Went back to look at it and saw it had dealer plates on it. Saw it again on the street before I made it to the dealer. Then, I couldn't find it on their lot. Turned out one of the techs was driving it,said he was going to buy it. I took it for a test drive and went to talk to the sales manager. Ended up getting 855 from the same dealer that had originally sold it, then took it back in on trade.

6 weeks later the ECU died from capacitor explosion. Then I had to start learning again, and found the forerunner of this site.

I knew about and had actually driven one a few times back when they came out, but was in no shape to afford one. Now I have two.


Well-known member
May 1, 2005
Well i met mine when i sold my sr20det gtir swapped sentra se-r /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/bawling.gif.I was looking for another sr20 based car G20,200sx and sentras and none of them i liked.then i went on my adventure for looking for a rare car.I had owned tel's and knew somethings about them.then i found mine out on a rainy night in long island and drove it home the same night.ever since then my funds have depleted at a fast pace lol.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2007
Bay Area, CA
Went to the local "lemon lot" at Travis Air Force Base looking for a car, saw the G-ride and knew from a DSM buddy that it was a cool car. Test drove it and told the guy I would be back in the morning with the cash but I he decided to let someone else test drive it that night and the dumb ass blew the motor. I guess it was a good thing because I ended up paying $1,200 instead of $3,000 like I planned. Now I know I still overpaid but whatever I have a G-ride and will have the new motor done only 3 years later.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2006
by the river next to the delta
Here is how I got my 1st vr4, it happened in Oct 2000 upon the birth of my daughter and I had to get a more practical car for the family, minivan was defintely not going to happen as I would have hung myself if I did. At the time I had a '91 nissan sentra se-r that was a previously retired racecar that had all the creature comforts removed like a/c/heater,carpet,sound insulation, headliner etc and you can see what my dilemma was about since my wife had not give birth yet and had complained one time riding in the se-r that she had almost gave birth right there when we hit a big pothole in my newly aquired race/family car /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/devil.gif that I knew that I needed to find a better car-2 weeks later as I was driving around Daly City I happen to spot a white galant but I was unsure at the time if it was a vr4 since I had no previous experience with them so I got online to learn more about them thru this site I think and found that it was a vr4- so I left a note on the car to see if it was for sale and a week goes by and no phone calls until another week passes by and I finally got a call from the owner- he said he was on vacation in the philippines and just got back when he found my note on the car, he was the original owner of the car and had been thinking of selling it for sometime as it has had a lot of issues with it lately so I had offered to buy but had to save up the $3500 he was asking for it, a month goes by and I decided to call him about the car and he said that a co worker of his had bought the car the following week so I was dissapointed to say the least- I thought that I would never find another one to buy but he had informed me that his friend had been regreeting buying the car and was maybe thinking about selling it so I asked if I can talk with him and as I got ahold of the guy he had informed me that he had bought the car for his younger brother to drive and found out that he did not like it saying that it was not his style and that it was too big- so I thought to myself that I couldn't sell the sentra right away that I offered to let his brother drive the sentra and see what he thinks and sure enough he loved it-we decided to trade cars that night and so began my love/hate /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/devil.giffor these car, as it turns out I wish sometime that I never bought that first one since everything that could and have gone wrong with the car did- this car really did kick my a@# for the first 6 months-from the car stalling out constantly to the isc motor going dead and various electrical gremlins to driveline issues to t belt breaking on me /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/devil.gif /ubbthreads/images//graemlins/devil.gif-then again i guess it was a blessing in disguise since I would have not learned all the things that go wrong with these cars and learn how to fix them and really apreciate these cars now

Ian M

Well-known member
Jan 11, 2002
I first saw a GVR4 in Turbo. I think it was coverage from a really early DSM shootout,probably '96 or so. It was a pic of one launching hard,and running 12s or 13s which seemed insanely fast for such a plain jane UGLY car. I thought it was neat,but thought too ugly...not for me!

Then,some friends and I saw a really muddy,beat up Galant bust off high 12's at MIR in '97. We were amazed. On the internet to research! 13's with a boost controller and exhaust,had to have one! Joe (DSMSleeper) bought his first,after one ride we were on a mission. Danny (turbo4door1) and I bought our cars within a month,he found one locally and I found my first one in Atlanta. I flew down and picked it up. Danny still has his,I later sold mine to a friend.

I went a couple years Galantless until '00,I regretted selling the first one. I hoped to find a cheap project when I saw a ad in the Washington Post for a white '91 GVR4,that "needed work". That is the car that ended up the white car I have now. It was sitting in a apartment complex parking lot in Falls Church Virginia with flat tires,filthy,full of random junk, and a big exit hole in the oil pan. I picked it up for $1300,and the rest is history.

My green car I bought cheap from a V8 buddy of mine who tinkered with the GVR4 and DSMs briefly,then went back to V8s.
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Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
KC, Missouri
Wanted a play car, but didn't want a DSM cause I already had one. Had been looking online a few weeks when my friend who was working at Mayo at the time said he saw one in the parking lot. A few weeks later I was out at the mall and I could have sworn I saw a gvr4, I DID! I waited around in my car for a few minutes and when I looked up, I saw the car driving away! Ohh no! Luckily, I had pulled out my stalkerish instincts and got most of the owner's last name from his name tag on his suit jacket in the back.

Few days later, I asked another friend who was working at Mayo at the time if he could look up this guy's full name. Turned out my friend had just met him 2 days earlier! Score! He sends the owner an email and the owner response with "yes, I do own a vr4. I'm actually looking to sell it in a few months." DAMN!

3 months later, the car was all mine. It had been dealer maintained its whole life as the previous owner was a doctor. Now if only I could strike that kind of luck with hot women...

Needing a 4 door sedan what with little kids and all, I responded to a "for sale" ad in Autoweek. I didn't really know what a VR4 was but the specs sounded interesting and the car was only 3 hours away in Cinci. Turns out that car was sold but he had a buddy with one in better condition, also for sale. The owner of the car I ended up buying had a million dollar car collection with a guy on staff to take care of them all and the VR4 was probably the least cool of his cars and he just didn't need it around. He originally bought it from the Mitsu corporate fleet in California. Low miles with minor upgrades. I've since taken care of both those problems.
Mike R.
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