14xK on mine. It's down due to a defective thermostat that opened late. It was less then a year old too. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif Once fixed, I hope to get another 100K miles at least. I had a 91 turbo Talon once that I treated more like a disposable car. Got it around 140K miles and it was NOT taken care of. It had the original t-belt and water pump even. Quickly changed that out, ECU caps, fluids, clutch, brakes, suspension and beat the crap out of it till around the 190K+ mark. It was FWD and with some basic boost, IC, and exhaust mods, I couldn't get traction till 2nd gear and I didn't want to put money in to it. Compression was still 150psi plus on all 4. All it needed was probably a balance shaft removal, radiator, new turbo (the original one some how worked rather well, but looked like junk) and some other things to keep going. That car saw 100MPH often and I beat on it and treated it poorly while the Galant was a garage queen.