Wow /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif You're way further along on this than I thought! Quote:
its sad how bad a car has to look, before it can look good again. But its worth it!
You have to keep that awesome picture of the end result in mind! Yours will polish up just like fivestardsm's rock awesome Galant^^^.
Alright... get your brain ready for programming /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif. According to the manual's circuit diagrams, etc., there are a few things to note about this, and most of them are not pleasant /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif :
Ignition:The connections for the ignition circuit between the SOHC and DOHC are definitely different. No distributor for the DOHC, and the ignition power transistor connector has more wires. This means that the wiring harness is different. If you are brave, you could probably wire this up yourself without the fancy harness connectors. The diagrams are incredibly accurate; they give information down to the individual colored wires, exactly where they come from, and where they go to.
Tachometer:Since your Galant(2000GTX) is a SOHC model, the tachometer only reads to 8000rpm. The DOHC models read up to 9000rpm. They get their signals from slightly different places under the hood.
Cam & Crank Angle Sensor (CAS): The connectors for the 1992 SOHC CAS and the 1992 DOHC CAS are the same, BUT the SOHC CAS gets it's power directly from the ignition switch, while the DOHC CAS gets it's power from the MFI Relay on the same circuit branch as the fuel injectors. This can probably be overlooked; the difference is that the SOHC CAS has power when the key is in the "on" position, even when the engine is not running.
Idle Air Control (IAC): The SOHC uses a single coil motor, while the DOHC uses a dual coil motor. The SOHC harness connector only has 2 wires (from 2 pins) running to it from the ECU. The DOHC connector has 4 wires (from 4 pins). You would have to run 2 extra wires from the DOHC's IAC to the 2 other pins on the ECU to make it work with your harness.
There are other differences, and I'll go through and list them if you decide to do the wiring job yourself. Otherwise, I'm tired, and I'm ending it here /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
easy alternative is to buy a DOHC non-turbo harness. If you're the do-it-yourself type and want to wire it up yourself, then more power to you. It could be done, but it's time consuming. You make the choice. Post up your questions, and good luck man! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
SOHC Ignition circuit (notice the smaller Ignition transistor, and the tachometer branch)
DOHC Ignition circuit and connectors (bigger Ign. trans., tach signal comes from wire #4, shared with ecu pin 109)