Quoting prove_it:
Complicated? Never put a brace on, but I've had the side cover off before and it's not bad. I would pony up a few bucks and throw new bearings in the case and get it shimmed.
I wonder if using this brace with an aluminum case would beef it up to a bit better than a plain steel case? I prefer the aluminum ones when I'm on jackstands trying to set it back in. Those few pounds help.
How much does the brace weigh Mike?
I'm most likely gonna send it off to Tim Zimmer to have it installed the correct way and shimmed. Tim was saying there's all this stuff I would have to do and I don't wanna f*** it up so I'll just send it to him. The Transfer case brace weighs 7 pounds btw.
Quoting AnotherNewb:
How I imagine Mike every time a new part becomes available
Lol right.
Quoting minneSNOWta:
Mike. When are we going to see a FF valve cover /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif?
No I dont really like that valve cover. I'm very happy with my red powdercoated one. =)
Quoting turbowop:
Quoting GSX_TC:
Yep I race it all the time
No timeslips, no care... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hsugh.gif
No argument there haha.