Quoting GSTwithPSI:
Is your FPR actually mounted to something, or is it just hanging out?
1. Your idle switch is unplugged. Find the wire and plug it back in.
2. Ebay bleeder type boost controller. Garbage. Throw it where it belongs; in the trash.
3. I don't know what turbo that is, but it looks like you have a brake line or something supplying it with oil from the head. If whatever turbo that is requires a restricted oil supply, you're effectively over-supplying it (since I doubt there's a restrictor installed in the line you currently have). Alternatively, if that turbo requires an oil feed from the OFH rather than the head, you're under-supplying it. You'll need to identify the type of turbo, and then decide if it's being supplied properly with oil.
4. The turbo coolant supply line on the lower front of the T-stat housing was deleted by stuffing a bolt into the hose and then applying a hose clamp. Although this fix works, it's not the method I'd use to delete the line. The prefered method would be to weld, or plug the nipple itself.
5. Coolant overflow line looks like it's draining onto the ground. Maybe there's a tank down there, but I can't see it. If it's draining onto the ground, that's bad for obvious reasons.
6. Your plug wires look like a rat's nest. In order to keep from inducing spark in the wrong cylinders, you should separate wires 1 and 4 from 2 and 3.
Like so:
7. Nipple on top of your wastegate...What's that go to?
That's what I can see. If you have questions, just ask.
Here's a perfect example of how plug wires should be routed. Taken straight from FlyingEagle's thread: