1. New WTB threads are not permitted. Please use the WTB/WTT thread stickied at the top of the section for posting your "WTB" or "WTT for GVR4" requests.
2. If you add unwanted comments, opinions or you try hijack someone's thread it WILL be deleted no questions asked. Asking questions related to an interest in purchasing the items is okay, complaining about the price/quality/etc is not.
3. It is your responsibility to determine the trustworthiness of the seller. Check the Bad Guys and Good Guys forums for seller feedback. Buyer and Seller must enter into a purchasing contract soley between themselves. GalantVR4.org (the site), it's management and membership are not responsible for any claims or damages.
4. If you have a dispute with another member that involves a solicitation to buy or sell merchandise or services that originated from a post on GalantVR4.org and you are unable to resolve the situation in a reasonable amount of time you are encouraged to resurrect the post in question by replying to it and detailing your situation in as much of a level-headed, non-accusatory and mature way as possible. If anything, this will serve as a warning to others and hopefully provide a means of general arbitration with your peers. If this does not generate a response please visit the Bad Guys forum to make a post.
5. Although you can send PayPal without fees (send as a gift) you may then have limited recourse in the event of an issue with the purchase. Use this carefully.
If you fail to follow the above we will either EDIT, MOVE or DELETE your post and may do so WITHOUT WARNING.
By posting to this site you agree to follow these rules and our potential enforcement of them.