I'm just saying, 20 people committed to buy a hood and another 20 for a trunk. They didn't come through as promised. Whatever though, I'm not worried. I am confident he will do perfectly fine with this task.
Quoting jcgalntvr4-244:
Quoting TMG:
Just waiting for Kamil to drop in before putting my deposit.
Same here I dont want another PreEvo deal here /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Yep, I hear ya JC.
I did a little Google'ing on Kamil and HiRevPerformance recently. They have a good rep in the DSM community ( both 1g and 2g ) for quality pieces and pricing.
I was always down for an RS style model, once Jeremy offered to send his hood I felt safe in leaving my deposit.
We are back from LA. I was just wondering how did you guys get organized and why is it so much different than oem hoods and trunks? Just curious. Thank you for whoever stepped it up and organized this.
We have 7 payments so far and correct me if I am wrong.
Matthew R. Demicco
Sean Waterman
Phillip Atchison
Robert YuÂÂ
Michael O'Malia   ÂÂ
Chris Mowell   ÂÂ
Andrew Staley   ÂÂ
When would you need the money in full by? I could definately send the deposit in right now and have the rest paid off at time in need (probably). I just bought a house, but my hood is jacked up and i'm in need of a new one anyway. That would atleast get the ball rolling if I chip in my hundie!
Quoting kamilatHirev:
We are back from LA. I was just wondering how did you guys get organized and why is it so much different than oem hoods and trunks? Just curious. Thank you for whoever stepped it up and organized this.
We have 7 payments so far and correct me if I am wrong.
Matthew R. Demicco
Sean Waterman
Phillip Atchison
Robert YuÂÂ
Michael O'Malia   ÂÂ
Chris Mowell   ÂÂ
Andrew Staley   ÂÂ
I organized this so far and the reason that this has greater interest is because of the rarity of the item being made, the demand of the item being made, and the quality of your work. I may also have a little bit to do with it /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif
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