Hopefully better than that since this was organized and he's not getting screwed by flakers this time. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Thanks again to all involved in getting the ball rolling on these hoods!
Never too late to order. I got the shipping label today. I'm gonna call up this company local to me that has a drop ship service for FedEx. I am getting a box made up for the hood and wrapped. Expect it to be out by the end of the week.
Yes. Both are made to order. I am sure that pics of the JDM style will be up as soon as they are finished. He doesnt even have the hood to make the mold from yet, so give it a month or so; you know it will be worth the weight reduction . /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Just a quick update fellas...THE HOOD WAS SENT OUT TODAY!!!
I dropped it off at this store that packs and ships their items. I paid $20 extra for the "professional" packaging service. I just hope it gets there without any issues.
Quoting cOmpressor:
Trusting them to pack it FTL but good luck and I hope this works out for all involved.
I've dealt with them on numerous occasions and he asked if I wanted to see the packaging, etc. after it was all done and I told him I trust him. I'd rather them do it honestly.
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