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FS: 1309 part out. There's prices now


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2008
Sioux Falls, SD
If you can get proof of those activities, you can win in court. You'll need character witnesses and such. It's a fight worth fighting. My Bro in law did that to his ex wife. She cheated and he got a whole list of inappropriate parenting behaviors on her and totally took her to the cleaners. She lost custody and pays him child support!

You need to shop for a lawyer too. Some don't care and side with women and will lose the case due to a lack of interest and compassion to you.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
Near Seattle, Washington
Quoting Diego:
I "think" it's that most females believe we care more for a car then family or any individual for that matter.

Honestly... It's a tossup for me. At least your car can't do to you what your lady just did to you. Your car can't f*** your neighbor, leave you, steal from you, get a restraining order, have you investigated, get you detained, ask for alimony, receive child support, deny visits with your children, waste your time in court, and most importantly.. a car will never drink your last beer!

If i were ever told "It's me or the car." it would be a simple choice. I don't do ultimatums, and cars do not propose them. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Sorry to chutter up your FS thread. I just had to toss that out there.

Now, if you're really going to part it, please post some prices. Also, if you leave the prices up after the parts sell, it may help others gauge fair market value later for similar parts. IJS.


Staff member
Apr 18, 2008
Arlington, Tx
Quoting MellowVR4:
Thats why I've been really causiouse on the females I would want to start something seriouse with, I would want a female that either loves cars as much as I do? or even just excepts it that its my hobby, sometimes hobbys gotta be put on hold. Still its just a hobby, We're not buying 500 dollar percess lol

Exactly, as long as they understand that it's a hobby, you should be good. Otherwise you're fucked and there is some weird competition from your lady and car.


Well-known member
May 18, 2013
Hopefully these posts will help Diego get his parts sold in that if you were to buy from him you would literally be helping someone in a bad way out.

I have gone as far as donating my beater cars to men in this situation. I could not get a tax break, but knew I was making a difference. I stopped that because I was not appreciated.

A few thoughts. I'd definitely get rid of my GVR4 if this happened to me. I had a really nice 1gDSM when this happened to me. I could not afford to maintain it any more and it died a horrible death.

I became so broke thereafter, that I ended up with an old school Toyota Corolla and blew the head gasket because I had to drive all the way across town to a junkyard for a lower radiator hose that was leaking. I could not afford a new hose from a parts store!!

I watched my kid while she went off to the club and got her hole filled. Now my kid doesn't even know me.

Some of your ability to bring the cheating argument in will come down to your location. I know back in Florida, it is a no fault State. It doesn't matter what she did. Not sure if this applies to you or not.

I am in retrospect happy to pay my enemy every month to stay the hell away from me. It is the estrangement from my kid that blows.

On a side note, I have noticed over time that the cops in this area seem to be a bit horny to arrest women these days first in an alleged domestic violence situation. I guess that they are tired of getting hosed too.

The biggest problem with this situation is that your "rights" vary from State to State. I am a big proponent of State's rights, but in this case if the laws were uniform and federalized things would be easier and we could help each other out in an apples to apples way.

Anti-feminist, does not mean that I am anti-female.

I am bowing out now. Good luck!
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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2011
Paumanok NY
fight man fight!! yes this sucks, and yes its almost impossible to win against vagina. vaginas arnt loyal for sh*t. i recently broke up with a cheater, and im pissed cause i really liked this vagina. i have to keep busy as f*** to get over her, which is great cause i can finaly give my all to my new biz. she'll get hers, they always do. you know you can win this. she asked for it, show that twat what a dick is..... escuse my grammer..
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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
Idk about you guys but I just suck as a husband /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif
Wife is nuts but most of the time I bring it upon myself.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2008
Sioux Falls, SD
Quoting Turbro_Negro:
Idk about you guys but I just suck as a husband /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dunno.gif
Wife is nuts but most of the time I bring it upon myself.

No one on the board would have suspected... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif jk


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2003
DesMoines Iowa
Quoting Diego:
I bought all my large items a year ago on tax season.

This car is my hobby that has been on the back burner because of the little dude.

She gambles constantly and goes out drinking nightly.
She once dropped $1500 in a week gambling.
That is what caused our problems. Let alone her mother that influences her every move.

And I have a problem /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif


f*** her keep your head up don't part your car because of a girl..... Find a new girl forget about old girl


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
In a van down by the river, Iowa
She took a sledge hammer to it last night. Was arrested again, this time for domestic assault. I not being the aggressor was charged and booked. Iowa law states makes being the aggressor.

Idk what she looks like now after the damage. But there goes my whole f***ing build if 8 years down the drain



Well-known member
Sep 30, 2004
Orlando FL
Quoting Diego:
She took a sledge hammer to it last night. Was arrested again, this time for domestic assault. I not being the aggressor was charged and booked. Iowa law states makes being the aggressor.

Idk what she looks like now after the damage. But there goes my whole f***ing build if 8 years down the drain


Man...I am sorry about your situation, I can't help to feel bad for you. I don't know the whole story..but I just can't see why she can be so vindictive and violent when she cheated on you, why can't she just leave you alone?

To go back to the subject of the the original post, you are selling a ECMlink V3 correct?


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2011
Houston, Texas
You don't deserve this Diego, I hate how sh*t like this happens to good people. When you see the car again show us what she did to it.


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2009
Milwaukee, Wi
Man man man MAN, I would seriously black out, Thats one thing you dont mess with is a man's car, specially a car that you have love for /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif... But I guess thats the way these females get when they see RED... really pisses me off what just happened.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2007
Medaryville, IN
Not cool Diego... And then the same women wonder afterwards why "they can never find a good guy"... well that's because she goes crazy and does sh*t like this! Sorry to see/hear about all this, and I am definitely here if you need me for anything I can help with! And yes I am still interested in the bumpers, but want to make sure you are alright first.
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