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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2005
Commerce City, Co
If you want it to function correctly and work to your advantage, 2-4" from the cylinder head. Anything else and it is just a pretty gauge. No true function. Your car, mount it where you see fit. You know where I stand. Function over form. One collective point of wideband data is pointless. As is a single EGT sensor. Either way perturbo is it. End of story. Post turbo will be hot but, drastically reduced temperatures compared the correct location. 500* or more. No damage should occur unless large debris hits the sensor. I.E. Turbine wheel.
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
Quoting biglady112:
Broken injector wiring deep in a wiring harness. Look dude, you can slander all you want, we race, we produce. Plain and simple.

Once again, it's not slander, your facts just don't add up. If you actually think about what post before you post it, you'd realize you're talking out of your ass. Broken injector wiring would leave you with a malfunctioning injector 9 times out of 10. Malfunctioning injectors don't spray fuel, and therefore would cause a lean condition in the corresponding cylinder. Narrowing down which cylinder shouldn't be too terribly difficult if you know what you're looking for (ailbet, I freely admit the EGT in that cylinder probably made this blatantly obvious right off the bat). It doesn't matter if your WB is in the downpipe or the runner itself; if it didn't pick up a shitty injector, either your WB is sh*t, it's hooked up wrong, or you weren't looking close enough at the data it was collecting.

You have your opinions, and rightfully so. Why don't you try backing them up in a way that doesn't make you seem completely ignorant?

Quoting biglady112:
One collective point of wideband data is pointless.

I think 99.99% of people who tune their own cars would disagree; seeing as that's how nearly everyone not racing on the salt flats has their car configured. Not many of us here are building "serious race cars"; which I believe was one of Mark's last points in case you missed it.

Don't misconstrue an opinion backed by factual information with negativity. I came into this thread with my own opinion backed up by factual information, followed shortly after by you talking sh*t about my car and telling us stories about everyone else's cars but your own (per the usual). Facts are still facts whether you choose to accept them or not.

My post count is probably high for the short time I've been here, and I assure you the vast majority are filled with helpful information that probably helped somebody here in this community.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
My dd has an egt gauge and it's only about 130hp and 200ft lbs of torque.
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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2008
Sioux Falls, SD
Ah, just another Saturday on the ORG. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif

One of these days, we should all get together and sit in a coffee/donut shop from 6am to 10am and bitch and moan, just like all the old guys do.
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Well-known member
May 14, 2011
Eagan, MN


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
Near Seattle, Washington
Quoting turbowop:
My tapped 2g cast iron manifold has lasted well over a decade tapped for an EGT probe with no bung.

That said, I'm not planning to tap my FP manifold for one. Since I don't use EGT to tune like I did in '01, I'm just going to mount it down low in the o2 housing so my sweet JDM gauge doesn't go wasted. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif

Pretty much the same thing i had to do. I wasn't putting holes in the FP manifold. No way, no how.
I just tapped the stainless 2.5" FP o2 housing just under the o2 bung. I figure if there is ever an issue, it's pretty simple to just weld the hole shut and eliminate it.
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