Hmmm, that is interesting. I used it straight out of the bottle the first time however it clogged my 3M gun. As in I had to use paint thinner to clean out the nozzle it was so bad. This was at 3 different air pressure settings starting from 90, 60, and 30 respectively. The Carolina heat in the dead of summer may have had something to do with it as well. I wound up adding about 4 - 6 shot glasses of an off the shelf reducer from the local auto store and that stopped the clogging. I undercoated 893 in the summer of 2008 so I don't think the product has changed all that much. It could also have had to do with sitting on my shelf for at least 6 months too.
I bet had I called the 3M technical support line I wouldn't have had the above issue. I just encourage you to take a few practice runs on a spare trailing arm or something and be prepared in case your gun clogs.